Hey gang....

on 6/9/06 10:22 am - Northern, VA
Hey everyone I hate posting this same message over and over, but I seem to dissapear every so often for one reason or another......so here goes nothing I am back at least for the weekend...work has been CRAZY as it always is at the end of a school year....I have to work for 7 more days then it is vacation time for me But till then, I will be on and off here.... As my sister mentioned in her walking post, I have been sick YET AGAIN. So goes the question, for the posties....do you find yourself more sick after surgery than before?? I do. And it is getting on my nerves. As a child I used to get bladder and kidney infections it seemed every week. My parents took me to a specialist, and it was determined that I have a kidney out of place. My left kidney is in my abdomen, and the right one is where it is supposed to be. Well, when I got pregnant with my first born, they kept a close eye on the left one (since it was still functioning ) to make sure he did nothing to harm it. He didnt, he just moved it a little and everything was fine. Well, it has been at least 5 years since my last kidney infection, but I now have another. It is in the right one, the one that is in its correct place. I knew something was wrong last Friday, but me being me, decided to ignore it. Well, this past Monday, I knew something was really wrong, and was going to get an appointment at the Dr's office. But before I had a chance to, I was trying to get my daughters car seat out of my trunk, and pulled a muscle (I think) that was right over the kidney. I almost fell out on the parking lot! At that point I called my supervisor telling her I didnt think I could drive the bus, that I was barely able to drive my car. She told me that was ok, just let her know when I could be back. So I called my PCP, and they told me they were unable to take me that day, and if I was in that much pain, got to the ER. Fine, I headed over to Fairfax Hospital, where they diagnosed me with a kidney infection with a possible muscle strain over the same kidney. Well, to make my long story short, I was out Monday and Tuesday, and the only way to make it through Wed was to take the Vicoden prescribed to me. But as I sit here tonight, I feel much better... So, thank you to everyone *****sponded to my sisters post, I appreciate it I should be back in action, even if limited for the next week and a half, till school it OUT FOR SUMMER I love you all, and hope to be here as much for you guys as you have been for me Dianna
Christine Hood
on 6/9/06 10:28 am - Fort Eustis, VA
Glad to see you back Dianna! As far as the kidney infections, maybe you are getting "lucky" too much! (Not that there could ever be too much "luck") but anyway, I got UTI's/kidney infections more when I felt better about myself and was getting "lucky" more often...dr said that could cause it...just a thought Christine 253/240/138
on 6/9/06 10:32 am - Northern, VA
not much more *luck* going on here than normal Just one of those things that happens to me, I have been lucky lately, I suppose... haha! (Wait till he see this post ) Dianna
Christine Hood
on 6/9/06 10:35 am - Fort Eustis, VA
sorry girl...wasn't trying to make you end up on the couch! LOL
~ Julie ~
on 6/9/06 11:42 am - Reston, VA
RNY on 04/18/06 with
Wherever there's coconut/vanilla rum, there's probably "luck" involved at some point.
Susan E.
on 6/9/06 12:04 pm - Purcellville, VA
Hi Dianna, Glad to see you back on the boards. Also glad to here your feeling better. Hope this last week goes fast for you. I am sooooo jealous you get the summer off. But I know your restricted with your time off during the school year. Otherwise we would have your skinny little hiney on the cruise with us in October. To answer your question, I have had 3 UTI's since my surgery and I have only had one before about 15 years ago. I ask my surgeon if my surgery had anything to do with it and he said no. So who knows. Make sure you are taking all of you supplements (I know you do) Not sure if sex has anything to do with it or not. Have a great weekend Susan
~ Julie ~
on 6/9/06 12:14 pm - Reston, VA
RNY on 04/18/06 with
Hi Susan, Don't let her fool you, she's not restricted with time off during the year. Exhibit A: Christmas Break Exhibit B: Spring Break and: SNOW DAYS. Some of us wish we were that lucky with only the 6 federally mandated holidays per year.
*~Tigger~ *
on 6/9/06 1:33 pm - Staunton, VA
Hey, Mother Clucker! I'm sooooo glad that you are feeling better! Hope to see you soon, doll baby! JoAnn
on 6/9/06 3:17 pm - Manassas, VA
RNY on 05/09/06 with
Hey girl! I am glad to see you back! I am so glad your feeling better. Hugs, Andrea
on 6/9/06 9:03 pm - VA
Glad u are feeling better - and I am also jealous of your schedule..and my wife's (teacher) - OK - To answer your question though..It's weird, but I have noticed that I am almost never sick at all. Pre-op I had horrible allergies that were so bad at least twice per year I could not speak I was so congested! That plus flu at least annually and many bad colds each year as well. My theory is the 1000 mcg's of B-12 keep me healthy. And I have a buddy that's an allerfist that swears that my weight loss took so much stress off my body that it strengthened my immune system! Now granted - I gon't get kidney infections - or UTI's! Sooooooo sorry if my rant was for naught, but I re-read and you posed question was about being sick in general..so hope I was helpful! Most importantthing is that you are feeling better - AND that you have vicondins - you luck dog ya! David
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