OK! The responses were so sloooooooooooooooow coming in I was nervous as heck the whole event would be a wa****hen the skies parted - spring fever lifted and the reservation forms have literally been flooding in over the past few days! We are now at FIFTY strong - and growing! And YES, dude to popular demand I was able to extend the reservation deadline to FRIDAY - JUNE 18TH AT 12 NOON! After that date I will not be able to take any more reservations because of deadlines with the Tour Company and the hotel food & beverage department planning the event menus - so please don't hold back thinking there will be any further deadline extensions!!! If you still don't know about the event - see below, THEN contact David ([email protected]) OR Natalie ([email protected]) and ask for a reservation form!!! HURRY!!!!!!
Boogie & Splash! Itinerary
FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 2006
Sweet Virginia Breeze Event
7-8 PM - Hor D'oerves/Cash Bar - Mezzanine
8-11 PM - Caribbean Themed Evening
11 PM - 2 AM- Hospitality Suite Hours
9 AM - 12:30 PM - WLS EXPO & Round Tables
1 - 4 PM - "River City Revealed"
Guided Richmond Tours
(Box Lunches Served on Motor coaches)
6 - 10 PM - Boogie & Splash Pool Party Cookout / Cash Bar
10 PM - 2 AM - WLS Friends PJ Party - (Hospitality Ste.)
SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 2006
10 AM - 12 PM: "Aloha!" Breakfast
Hi David, I just want to tell you that I think you've done a great agenda for this Greg and I are really looking forward to the tour. Guess that tells you what kind of party animals we are!! But that is something that we really are excited about. I'm sure we won't be at any of the pj parties, but yea for the old folks who want to go on the tour!!!
And David, what is the Friday night thing? The Caribbean evening? What is planned for that?
We sent in our reservations, and made our hotel reservations a month or so ago so I think we're okay
Again, thanks so much to you and Nat for doing this.
Donna Mae!
You KNOW I never reveal all my secrets!!!
BUTTTTTTTTTT - Remember the post I called "How Low can YOU go?" HINT HINT!!!
The same DJ is back as well- and he has new equipment he is dying to test out on us!! What exactly that means I don't know - but dress casual and wear your boogie shoes (see how I make that word "boogie" fit in so many places!!??
See ya both soon
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, this sounds like so much fun!!!! I am READY!!!!!!!! Well, haven't picked out which jammies yet, and Jen already said no to my newest ones, so I'll have to work on that. I cannot wait to see everybody again!!! It's way too long between get togethers!!! Court I thought the conference was the I wrong?? Maybe I'm confusing it with January? I hope it's closer than I thought!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!!! XOXOOOXOOXOOXOXO