Broken Bones - Creative Workout
Just when I am in a regular routine of going to the gym 3 days a week for an hour, I break bones in my foot!!!
I dropped a paint can on my foot yesterday and my husband accidentally stepped on the same foot.
Its all purple and ugly now. Needless to say, I can't wear anything but flip flops.
My gym will now allow us on the floor unless we are wearing sneakers. So I can swim but that is about it.
So now I am going to have to get creative with floor exercises I can do at home, and start swimming until the swelling goes down enough for me to get a sneaker on my foot.
Its just so darn frustrating! I am in a great routine, and now I have broken bones and I can't continue with my routine for a couple weeks!!!
I've already got several things that I do.
I'm too cheap to pay for a personal trainer, but I jus****ch what they have their clients doing and try to copy it.
I have a good hour of stuff I can do at home. Its just frustrating that I was in such a good routine and now my foot is all swollen and I can't get a regular shoe on!
I am just waiting for the HR Nazi chic here to write me up for wearing flip flops!
Be careful walking on that, ya hear??? Don't want you hurting it more or worse and ending up needing surgery or something - that wouldn't be good!
You can do things like crunches and such. Take a chair and bend your legs up on the chair and crunch you go. You can do things like work your upper body with weights while seated. If you don't have weights use canned foods and such or water in bottles.
Lots of ways to workout despite the injury.
Be careful!!