Goooooooooooood MORNING, friends!!

(deactivated member)
on 5/29/06 8:15 pm -'Beach, VA
. G'morning friends ~ I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend - I feel like Ive been on the go, non-stop, since Friday afternoon and the next two weeks are going to be even BUSIER. My baby brother (44 yrs old) is coming to town for a week and bringing my two nephews in tow, 6 and 2. Oh my my - this should be interesting, fun, busy and challenging all wrapped up into one, since I havent had a little one around in 20+ years. . I also have NOT seen my brother in about 4 1/2 years and I weighed in at 400 pounds!!!!! HE is the one that took THIS picture, which was "MY" defining moment of just how large I'd really become. I remember when he took it, I was SO ANGRY at him - who'da thunk it would forever be the "defining moment" that changed my life forever? Anyway - before I go into lurkdom for awhile, I wanted to also share the photos from the last four days with friends from the Va-Board. The following link are photos from our lunch on Friday, then that night at the VaBeach Music Festival with comedian Sinbad (love that man). Saturday at Busch Gardens and that night at Night Fever Dance Club. We spent all day Sunday at the Pungo Strawberry Festival (which is where the cool photo of the "Undertaker Car" comes from). Oh, and believe it or not, NONE of us ate any strawberries there, what's up with that? Finally, Monday was spent down on the waterside at the African American Festival. Talk about a FUN FILLED JAM PACKED few days spent with so many wonderful and special people. Natalie? Thank you so much for inviting us to share in your special day. *Congratulations* seems to come up short in comparison to everything you've accomplished and given back over the last two years. You are such a positive and successful inspiration. One who continues to give of yourself, constantly paying it forward. What a beautiful caring soul, love you sweety! OH, and your one hell of a COOK too! I'm still amazed that you prepared the entire spread for our Busch Gardens picnic. Not only was it very kind of you, but it tasted AWESOME!! Hugs to all - have a great week, Lei Pssssst....... Christine, will your mom be updating us when you're out of surgery on Friday?!? Is she still thinking about "cabbing" it in/out daily, or has she decided to stay at the hospital with you? [hoping and praying, she's camping out] you sweety, your chance at a new healthier life is just days away!!!! .
Andrea N.
on 5/29/06 8:37 pm - Ashland, VA
Good Morning Lei Just got up - getting ready to go to work and it really made my day to see all those pictures. Congratulations Natalie! It looks like you all had a grand time! Andrea 25 days to go
(deactivated member)
on 5/29/06 8:42 pm -'Beach, VA
G'morning Andrea - We had an awesome time and it only woulda' been made better if you could have joined us too. Maybe the next one? No no, not the June Fest, courtesy of your surgery date, but ANY of the ones afterwards! Hugs - Lei
Andrea N.
on 5/29/06 9:28 pm - Ashland, VA
I will definately make plans on joining you all - I don't want to be the only one missing out on all the fun. Hugs, Andrea 25 days to go
(deactivated member)
on 5/29/06 8:44 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Lei , Thank you too for coming out and celebrating with me . I had a blast .. and the pics prove it !!!! Cooking is therapy for me ... and I love to cook .. and to share my joy .. Being now I have my Va BG pass .. I will be going there a lot .. I had my first ride as a thin person on the Alpingiest .... now that was a trip .. Dacing and hanging out with you all .. touched me more than you all will ever know . I hope you enjoy your week... I will miss ya .. I am back to work this week.. and sure will have lots to catch up on as well.. and will be MIA from here for a while .. Love you so much .. can not wait to see you again ! Natalie ( Who has fallen for the man in black) .... LOL ....
(deactivated member)
on 5/29/06 9:11 pm -'Beach, VA
Hello girlfriend ~ There is so much CHEMISTRY between you and da' MIB!! I really like Alan and Im glad I had ALL day Saturday to get to know him better. Oh and for the record, it's very apparent that he absolutely adores the protein shakes you walk on, woman! RIGHTFULLY so, he's a very smart man! You know Im always a quick car drive away from being a KID FOR THE DAY, so whenever you head to BG, if Im home and free, count me in. Love the company, sun, walking, rides and TATER SALAD and FRIED CHICKEN (uh, that is an ongoing kinda thing right? I think it's my duty as a friend, to help keep your therapy going - move in and cook for me, please!?!?!?!?!) Love you, sweet lady - Lei
(deactivated member)
on 5/29/06 9:17 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
MIB is the bomb .. all I can say is .. he is heaven sent .. for now anyway .. or atleast until the honeymoon is over LOL ... He is a very sweet . caring man .. I am very lucky to have had him find me .. As to the cooking .. well... lemme know what cha like .. one night I could come down .. and we could throw a dinner party !!!! WLS Style !!! I know you will be busy this upcoming week .. I was thinking Alan and I would try it again this Saturday , late in the evening . I am on call but can manage to get away long enough to take in some rides I am sure . Enjoy your week.. Love you ! Nat
Betsy Anitahug
on 5/29/06 9:23 pm - Danville, VA
Goooooood Mornin' to you too, Lei....Wow, what a busy weekend you have had! It was wonderful spending time with all of you on Saturday. Only bad thing that happened was that Jill, TJ, Jim and I were assaulted with a knife right after you guys left one was hurt but the poor 16 year old got thrown out of the park....took about an hour outta our day to talk to the police, etc. But, we couldn't let this kid get away with it...we didn't press charges but he isn't allowed back in the park again. I felt like a teenager again riding rides and snuggleing with Jim. Gosh, life is wonderful. Sorry we couldn't stay for the Saturday night thingy...we had a 4 hour drive back home...and needless to say for the next two days, we were useless!!! We didn't leave the par****il after 8pm and didn't get home until 2am. Nat did an excellent job with the lunch...Yummy. Can't wait to see you all again...Conference??? Hugs, Betsy
(deactivated member)
on 5/29/06 9:38 pm -'Beach, VA
Hello sweet stuff!! Holy crap, assaulted by a freakn teen with a KNIFE?!?!? What the hell was he, STUPID????? Im thinkin' it's MORON AWARD OF THE YEAR, that park was JAM packed, where the hell did he think he was gonna "disappear" too? With a thousand witnesses in every direction. WOW, that's just ballsy and ignorant all wrapped into one, which makes him a timebomb ready to go off. Thank God all of you were okay, what a terrible experience!!! With that part put aside, Im so glad you and I were able to get together (again) too!!!! ...oh, and with this gathering, I got to meet your sweety (Jim) which just made it an added bonus! ...there is no doubt in my mind ya'll had a BLAST later, even long after we left (wow, 8:00 o'clock, huh?). BuschGardens brings out the kids in ALL of us and that's a good place to be, at times. I don't think I'll be making it to the conference next month but I'm "hoping" to maybe make a drive by, even if it's just for Saturday night. Ugh - I dunno, honey, lord knows, if I can work it out with MY dynamics and Wendy's dynamics, we will. Hugs - Lei
Sharon Q.
on 5/29/06 10:44 pm - Fredericksburg, VA
WHAT?????????????????????????????? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU ARE NOT COMING TO THE CONFERENCE??????????????????????????? C'MON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE NEED YOU THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO EXCUSE POLICY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAVID???????????? TALK TO HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really though, we do need you there!!!!! I was planning on you being there!!!!!!!!!! Whatever is keeping you we will fix it!!!!!!!!!!! Need your house cleaned??? Laundry done?????????????? Dinner cooked???????????? JEN JEN, get over there and DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!! LOLOLOL This is not acceptable!!! Please tell me you were kidding me!!! XOOXOOXOXOXOXO Sharon
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