Update on Rich

Kathy & Rich
on 5/26/06 9:02 am - Fairfax, VA
I may or many not have briefly mentioned this a while ago but Rich has low platelets. They were on the very low end of normal prior to his WLS two years ago but have crept downward and stayed there. They aren't in a dangerous zone but there is a bit of concern. Our PCP wasn't overly concerned but our bariatric surgeon wanted Rich to go see a hematologist and follow up on it. He went a couple of weeks ago. The hematologist said that at a count of 50,000 he'd be highly concerned but at Rich's level of 100,000 (normal range of 150,000 to 400,000) it is definitely worth investigating. He did more bloodwork and felt Rich's belly to check for enlarged spleen and didn't feel that and had Rich go for an abdominal ultrasound and they scheduled him for a bone marrow biopsy in their office. That was supposed to be two days ago. Rich went to the appointment and the hematologist apologized to him. He had been away and did get the results of Rich's ultrasound and his spleen is indeed enlarged so there was no need to do the bone marrow biopsy. The enlarged spleen means the platelets are being produced but hanging out there so no need to check the marrow for platelet production. Rich now has to go for a CT scan of his abdomen. He has that scheduled a week from today. I looked up reasons for enlarged spleens and I don't particularly care for the options but I'm not worried til the doctor tells me to be. Could be lots of things. Anyway, that's the update on the not-so-big big guy! Kathy
on 5/26/06 3:13 pm - Boondocks
Kathy and Rich Although my gods may not be yours I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers Will
(deactivated member)
on 5/26/06 8:35 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Kathy, Please know that I have him in my prayers ... Please keep us informed ... Love you both .. Natalie
Judy B.
on 5/26/06 10:09 pm - Marion, VA
Kathy Im sorry to read that Rich is having this problem. He and you are in my prayers and thoughts. Hugs JudyB
on 5/27/06 7:58 am - VA
AAAggghhhhh! Haven't we been through enough!!?? Please give him my best and keep us posted Kathy David
on 5/28/06 8:05 am - Kings Mountain, NC
Hey Kathy, I am so sorry to hear about this. Please know that my prayers are with you and Rich both. You all have been through so much and don't deserve anymore right now. My prayer is that God would give you GREAT PHYICAL HEALTH....both of you!!! Know that we serve a Mighty God worthy of our praise. Pray and Believe and Know who is in control. Love you guys bunches!!!! Lots of Love Kathy
Betsy Anitahug
on 5/28/06 10:53 am - Danville, VA
Hi Sweet Kathy....Boy, you guys have been through enough, don't you think? Please give Rich my love and he is in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Betsy
(deactivated member)
on 5/29/06 9:13 am
Kathy, I will be praying for Rich. I hope all goes well.
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