Anniversary on the Horizon.
I am fixing to celebrate my 5 year anniversary on June 11. I still haven't lost 100 lbs, but I am on steroids for severe allergies, so I am not worried.
I am finally learning to use my pouch like I am supposed to. I decided to be a grown-up and do it right for a change. So now I am losing again. It still works 5 years out, if you let it.
Don't be discouraged! Keep on Trying!
Love to all
Barbara D.
Sweet Barbara, Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. I just had my surgery December 16th and I have never been happier. I have lost 80 pounds and am feeling so much better and enjoying life more fully. My life has made a 360 degree turn around and I am so encouraged by wonderful people like you. Would like to see you on the board more....Wonderful people here.