Tell me something........

on 5/18/06 7:19 am - blacksburg, VA
Ok, its been a while so Tell me something good. Lets see, oh yeah my cat had kittens. We found them this morning, and they were already cleaned so, we are almost sure she had them yesterday at some point. I went to curves and found that since I started there on in February, I have lost a total of 31 3/4 inches. That is almost three feet. I will post everything in my profile when I do my weekly update. I have been spending more time with my mother. Do not know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. I have had a few wow moments, like today I ran into old friends. One had to look twice, just to make sure it was me. And, I had to go down another size in jeans. All thanks to my wls. Melissa
Andrea N.
on 5/18/06 7:35 am - Ashland, VA
Something good huh? Let's see - Tomorrow is Friday and the last day of school for my kids, which means starting next week I can sleep in for an extra 30 to 45 minutes. I'm still waiting to hear something from the insurance company. I'm getting impatient, but trying to be patient all at the same time. Mike Miller (Dr. Shirmer's insurance coordinator) told me he would call me if he heard something. Congrats on the kittens (don't tell my kids about them please - we already have 4 and they are looking to add to the family). Also congrats on the losing all those inches! One day I hope to be there too. I bet it feels GREAT! Andrea
on 5/18/06 7:50 am - blacksburg, VA
Andrea, Been missing you on the other board. I am sorry to hear that you are still waiting to hear from the insurance company. My daughter has about 15 days left of school, but I will still be getting up between 4am and 5am. Depending on what day of the week it is. I am so excited about the kittens. I have never seen newly born kittens. They are so cute. Thanks for the congrats on the inches. Melissa
Andrea N.
on 5/18/06 8:05 am - Ashland, VA
Yeah I know. I'm glad to know somebody misses me I just don't ever seem to have time to do anything anymore. I'm hoping once school ends (it already seems to be slowing down) when I get home I won't have to rush to start dinner, peruse homework and assignment books, serve dinner and then do showers and fall into bed. LOL I bet the kittens are adorable. I love kittens...I just don't think we need anymore. A few years back one of our cats gave birth to five kittens on top of Matthew (the oldest) in the middle of the night. It was so funny because he came into my room at 2 am all excited tell me she had the kittens and then when I woke up enough and said "oh where" his face turned really dark and mad looking and he said "on my bed" in a very unexcited tone. It was hilarious. We still have one of those kittens although she is about four years old now and still sleeps next to Matt's head. We are definatly cat people. I promise now that summer is here I will try to be around more...especially if I get the approval and have my surgery on June 23rd...I will probably be here all the time asking questions. You are more than welcome - you have worked hard and you definatly deserve it. Andrea
(deactivated member)
on 5/18/06 7:55 am -'Beach, VA
Hello Melissa - Okay tell ya' something? Well.... let's see. I had to drive to my doctors this morning - right in the heart of RUSH HOUR traffic. Lots of horns blairing, grumpy drivers, talking on cell phones, cutting each other off - running through red lights, typical traffic grind. The clinic is right in the heart of BUSINESS, lots of retailers, fast food, offices, etc. The land of concrete, car horns, exhaust fumes - typical busy/congested like atmosphere, I suppose. I finally pull into the parking lot and am now dodging other customers (patients) who are trying to fight for the nearest parking spot to the door. Not even sure why, it was a GORGEOUS morning. Anyway, I said ta' heck with it and went all the way to the back of the parking lot, where a small man made pond seperated two office buildings. Right smack dab in the middle of that pond (which was probably about 20 feet from the bumper of my car) was the most BEAUTIFUL elegant CRANE! *** the feathered kind). Standing still, tall and so very proud like, staring across the water, oblivious to the cars, horns, people - and just enjoying his morning. I was so amazed to see him there that I just sat in the car and stared for the longest time. It was strange to see such natural beauty, untouched, unmarked, in the middle of all the hustle and bustle we call LIFE. I think Im the only one that walked into that hospital with a FULL smile on my face, all courtesy of Mr-Crane! It's a shame more people couldn't have shared in that unexpected joy. Hugs - Lei
on 5/18/06 7:58 am - blacksburg, VA
Lei, Sorry you had to deal with all that trafic. I guess that is one reason I do not think I could ever move from Blacksburg and into a bigger city. It seems the more traffic I am in the more nervous about driving I get. Traffic only gets really bad hear when there are football games, or when I am driving on campus and I have hit right at time for classes to change. How awesome, you seen a crane. Glad seeing it made your day. Melissa
on 5/18/06 10:30 am - CHESAPEAKE, VA
Lei lei ... I think you need to become a book writer! You are very good at expressing your thoughts and feeling etc.... Im serious, I bet you could make lots of $$$$$$$$$ anywyas I hope your good! Cheryl
on 5/18/06 10:33 am - CHESAPEAKE, VA
Lei lei.... I truly truly think you need to write a book, any kind of book. You can relly express youself. You are great with words.. I really mean that. You could make lots of $$$$$$$ I would buy your books! Im glad you had a good day lei! Cheryl
on 5/18/06 10:34 am - CHESAPEAKE, VA
Oops! My computer crashed just after I typed the first message I didnt know it took...
Michele R.
on 5/18/06 11:27 am - Pittsfield, MA
Well Congrats on all your new things! I love newborn kittens too. I love it when I can finally see their bitty little peepers open up and I say ...."Hello my little peeper!" Then they get all scampery and frisky how sweet! Anyhow....I went today and got a few more things for my post op. I bought a really cute pair of jammies @ Target for the hospital. A v neck tank top type w/ matching shorties. Also got me a strainer for my soups that I have been sipping (the broth) and tossing the "chunks". And lastly I purchased a MAGIC BULLET BLENDER! I finally found one! I was reading the instructions and it seems fairly simple to work, while in the instruction manual there were recipes! They were so tempting to read. THis liquid diet is simply workin my taste buds for CHEW food! LOL Hugs! Shele
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