OH Rox Round Rock Meeting this Saturday!
Just a quick reminder about the OHRRR meeting this Saturday at 10:30 am.
We will be meeting at Starbucks near Ikea. The address is
200 University Blvd. Suite110
Round Rock, TX 78681 512-863-7802
We are going to be talking about Emotional Eating this month.
Bring a pen and paper to take notes and before and after pictures if you'd like.
Our meetings our open to anyone and any surgery type so come one come all! :)
Hope to see you there!
We will be meeting at Starbucks near Ikea. The address is
200 University Blvd. Suite110
Round Rock, TX 78681 512-863-7802
We are going to be talking about Emotional Eating this month.
Bring a pen and paper to take notes and before and after pictures if you'd like.
Our meetings our open to anyone and any surgery type so come one come all! :)
Hope to see you there!
See you there!! Thanks for posting!!!!
Don't say anything unkind, untrue, or unnecessary.
Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith ...
it is the price of love.