Walk From Obesity - Dallas Event
The Dallas Walk From Obesity has been scheduled for Saturday, September 24, 2011 @ Cooper Aerobic Center in Dallas.
I've signed up for the walk and have set a fund-raising goal. If you can't attend the walk, but would like to help raise funds for the OAC (Obesity Action Coalition) and ASMBS (American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgeons), please feel free to make your donation using my fundraising page.
http://walkfromobesity.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=d onorDrive.participant&eventID=532&participantID=1682
I believe the walk is only a 1 mile walk, although I'm sure many will go more than a mile. The event is scheduled from 9am-12noon.
I've signed up for the walk and have set a fund-raising goal. If you can't attend the walk, but would like to help raise funds for the OAC (Obesity Action Coalition) and ASMBS (American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgeons), please feel free to make your donation using my fundraising page.
http://walkfromobesity.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=d onorDrive.participant&eventID=532&participantID=1682
I believe the walk is only a 1 mile walk, although I'm sure many will go more than a mile. The event is scheduled from 9am-12noon.