Texas WLS Enewsletter and Daily Motivational text
Good evening all.......
It has been a while since i have posted on here outside of my reminders for the support group and also pimpin the OH conferences.... But I have gotten my focus back..... I am back to doing the support groups and stuff more and more everyday.
In saying that, I am going to be starting up my website - www.wlstoolman.com - and I am working on that. Also working on getting a enewsletter type info thingie together. Not sure if it will be monthly, quarterly, etc. But, I am working on that. Also, I am starting up the texting messages again. I was really good at sending these EVERY DAY, but havent at all for quite a long time.
I also am developing a database for all of us with each others contact info. That info can be sent out to each other if and only if YOU allow it to be.
So, IF you are interested in recieving the enewsletter and or the text messages, please email me at [email protected] the following information....
Full Name
City, Tx
Email Addy
Cell Number (or best contact #)
And yes or no to receiving the text
And yes ot no to sharing your information to others
Thanks an look forward to hearing for you.
OH Certified Support Group Leader
Pasadena Support Group 2nd Monday at 6:30pm
Katy Krew Support Group 4th Monday at 6:30pm
'This is my glock, There are many like it, but this one is MINE.' R Lee Ermey