Tortuous Thursday WLS Express
Hey You Guys!
Quick drive by.... still finishing up paperwork. Only two ARD's left to complete...yehaw! I also need to do and send out progress reports today. Tonite is Trunk or Treat. I'm not exactly sure who is responsible for this "treat", but I'm SO over it. I'll be at work til 7pm tonite.
I was able to change my OB yesterday to a dr that won't make me have Blake by csection. They are supposed to call me to set up an appointment time this morning. I am anxious to meet the new dr. I've heard really good things about her.
Hope everyone has an incredible day!
Quick drive by.... still finishing up paperwork. Only two ARD's left to complete...yehaw! I also need to do and send out progress reports today. Tonite is Trunk or Treat. I'm not exactly sure who is responsible for this "treat", but I'm SO over it. I'll be at work til 7pm tonite.
I was able to change my OB yesterday to a dr that won't make me have Blake by csection. They are supposed to call me to set up an appointment time this morning. I am anxious to meet the new dr. I've heard really good things about her.
Hope everyone has an incredible day!
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney">;10728;28/st/20110112/n/Blake/dt/-1/k/3fb3/s-age.png">>
Good morning all! We had a great day yesterday. We went to our first playdate with a bunch of moms in the DFW Babywearing group. I got some advice on carrying Natalie in one of my slings and it was nice hanging out and talking to other moms. Ok, it was way cool to BE one of the moms!! Still figuring out what is causing some of her fussiness, but I think we've narrowed it down to consitpation, so I've got a call into the doc to get some suggestions on what to do about that.
We're also going to see a chiropractor today for cranial sacral therapy for Natalie to see if that will resolve her sucking problems and hopefully get her breast feeding. Crossing my fingers as this is pretty much my last attempt before I stop trying. Tonight the grandparents are coming over too, so we've got a busy day.
Hope everyone has a fantastic day!
We're also going to see a chiropractor today for cranial sacral therapy for Natalie to see if that will resolve her sucking problems and hopefully get her breast feeding. Crossing my fingers as this is pretty much my last attempt before I stop trying. Tonight the grandparents are coming over too, so we've got a busy day.
Hope everyone has a fantastic day!
Looks like everyone is flying by today. Not me. It's my day off. I do have to go for my final transfusion today. Then in two weeks I will go have my bloodwork done again. Will go to the Doc for reveiw on the 19th so we shall see. I have had more energy lately but not like I was expecting too. Yseterday I took the day OFF. I barely got out of my Jammies and that was just to go eat. I didn't get up till late and then did nothing all day. Well I say nothing, I did get some laundry done. Fell asleep on the couch around 10 and then woke up and went to my bed to finish my sleep cycle at about 12. Got up paid some bills, too tired to make coffee yet so will get dressed early so I can stop at starbucks! Still one of my fav pasttimes. Not sure what else the day will hold and really don't care cause its my day off! Happy Tantalizing Thursday!