looks like latex?
The hole where my drain tube was removed, there is something that looks like latex. At first I thought it was some kind of puss, but it does not wipe off. If i pull on it a little it hurts, so I am not messing with it anymore. I am keeping neosporine on it. The hloe was looking a little infected yesterday, but looks not as red today. What do yall think?
I do plan on calling my doc tomorrow, but wanted to run it by yall on here first.
David B.
I do plan on calling my doc tomorrow, but wanted to run it by yall on here first.
David B.
I can't tell you what it is.... but I can tell you it isn't anything to worry about. I have a feeding tube. The hole around it gets that latex looking tissue around it sometimes. It is just tissue. I think that it is just our body trying to heal itself. It does look funny though. It won't look that way forever. As long as you don't have puss, and it isn't red... you are okay. You can still get your physician's office tomorrow, but in the mean time... don't worry.
-Kim T
-Kim T