Woo Hoo Wednesday!
It's woo hoo Wednesday and my woo hoo is that it FINALLY IS Wednesday. I had yesterday as Wednesday all day and woke up to find out I had to do it again! lol
Another woo hoo is that although my scale is NOT nice to me, I am also sitting in my skinniest jeans and still breathing. That is about the only solace I have on my eating these days. Stress, yep, go figure.
We are at 96 hours and counting till Emm's big day. We have banner complete except for a few details that I will check on tonight. Wanted to fuse it with wonder under and it didn't work. So it's glued. I think it will look great way up high where no one can see the oops. Now we cut out and do her stole, finish her faith statement, and have practice and cooking on Saturday.
After that, i have no life! Not sure what I will do after that, but I am thinking I need to focus on ME! There's an idea. Have to figure out how to do that.
Break time is over already so I must get back to it. So many need me today at work.. love to be wanted but not that way!
Prayers especially for the Richters - my heart hurts for you all. Also for others hurting in any way. Blessings to the rest.
forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different
I want to see lots of picts of Em!! I have no idea what all this is but I bet it will be WONDERFUL!!! Congrats on her big day!
BTW- You need to schedule you some "ME" time. Even if its just going shopping for yourself. It's hard to be "selfish" but you will be a better person because of it!!!
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney

WooHoo it is WEDNESDAY!! BooHoo is RAINING!!!
I don't think I've caught the train all week. Been working on an internal firm project that is kicking my brain into overdrive. I had been pegged to go on an external project in - POCATELLO, IDAHO - but that went by the wayside. Mixed emotions as I need to be generating revenue for the firm, but IDAHO? There was no easy way to get there.
Today PwC is hosting a Diversity Expo in Plano at the HP/EDS offices, so I'll be over there from 2-6:30pm to play hostess. Passing out name tags and goody bags to the attendees. Wow, two days in a row to get dressed up and out of the house.
King is home because of the rain today and it will be a long day for him (and me) because he's prepping for a colonoscopy tomorrow - he's going to be SOOO grouchy with nothing to eat! Not to mention the fun that will commence after he drinks his preparation ****tail at 6pm.
Better get a little bit of work done before I head out in the rain to play hostess with the mostest!
Shooting up positive thoughts for everyone in need and a few of us who don't know we need 'em!
Be safe on your commute!
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney
It's fun reading everyone's woo hoos. Puts a smile on my face. Yesterday and today have been high pain days for me. I can blink alright, but everything else gets a grimace or two. DH thinks it's weather related. It might be. I just want it to stop.
My woohoo (well there's two of them, now that I think about it)... First, because of this forum and this bunch of people, I keep hearing you in my head and that helps push me to do what I know to do. Simple things, really, but they add up to a better regimine and better outlook. Vits/meds/food. I've said it before, but I'll say it again...Thank you for being here!
The second woohoo is work related. I've been working for months now to coordinate the release of a book with a song. It didn't happen exactly like I wanted. The book came out a few weeks before the song. But, the band *****corded it had a nice radio interview in California last week, and it's been put on that station's rotation list. They've got a gig at a fair next weekend and will open with it. Then, today, it finally got set up for download and distribution to iTunes, Amazon, etc. I didn't think it would EVER happen, so, in spite of muscular and joint pain, I'm grinning like an idiot over here.
Hope everyone has a great day dodging raindrops in N. Texas.
When I was a kid, my first dream job was to be an author and illustrator. After I took English 4701 in college though I decided that my writing career was best left untouched!! lol
Funny enough- after the writing job I always wanted to be a obstetrician.... no way! lol
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney
This particular series is about 4 brothers who have their own band...hence the lyrics and the song. It's the first song that's been put to music and I have been on a vertical learning curve getting that done. It keeps me from being bored, though! (I was w/a band "back in the day" as a guitarist/ vocalist/ song writer and had a blast both on stage and in the recording studio. But a lyricist from Texas collaborating with a musician in California is a trip!)
I'm still trying to wrap my head around going from writer to obstetrician. What?? That's a 90 degree turn, huh?
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney