nerve pain?

on 9/22/09 11:27 am - Houston, TX
I have a dislocated vertabrae and a pinched disk. Last year I had epidural cortisone shots that took care of the pain for almost a year, but it's worn off now and I can hardly sit or lie down because of the pain. I've been told here that taking B vitamins, particularly B1, B6, and B12 will help with the radiating pain in my legs and hip joints. The dosage isn't very big, 100-200 mg, and I already take a B Complex and B12 that dr. Spivak ordered. Now I'm being told to look into an anesthesia clinic at a local hospital and, surprisingly, Hubby's Chinese secretary adamantly advises against any of the local massage or acupuncture clinics. she warns that they can actually make my case worse if they don't know what they're doing. My neck is stiff now and painful, my hip is constantly hurting, I can't sit to sew or read, which is what I had planned to use for sanity retention, to help deal with the boredom. What do ya'll think? More Vit B, or more shots?
Beam me up Scottie
on 9/22/09 11:47 am
I found that vits and herbals do not really help that much with that kind of pain, accupuncture will not help with the pain (per se) but it will help with the muscle tighness that the pinched nerves will cause. Chiropractic will help keep things "loose" but shots seem to be the only sure fire solution for me...even if the effects are short term. If you are getting a years worth of relief you are lucky....I normally get a month if I'm lucky.

Try a Rx for celebrex (it's gentle on the stomach) that might help with the inflamation.

on 9/22/09 12:45 pm - Houston, TX
 thanks Scott, I'll see if I can get a RX for celebrex from a local doc.
Vivian Prouty
on 9/22/09 9:19 pm - Fort Worth, TX
 Sansabiel......I just checked my list of NSAIDS and Celebrex is on the list.   As a RNY patient you are not suspose to take NSAIDS.    Be careful taking advice from people who have had other surgery types.   They are not familiar of all the things that we as GB WLS patients can or can't take.   I would talk to my surgeon about this problem and only do what your surgeon says.   I hope that you get some relief soon from the pain.

Hugs and blessings ~~~ Vivian

Vivian Prouty      Obesity Help Support Group Coach  "LOSE IT 4 LIFE"


on 9/23/09 3:10 am - dallas, TX
Talk you your weightloss surgeon.  I know mine said that he is is not against using nsaids for SHORT periods of time in RNY patients.

I have had back issues for awhile and celebrex is a wonder drug.  That is one of the reasons that I opted for VSG is because I have has such good results with celebrex for my back and I didn't want to rule out being able to take it regularly if needed.  Going to the chiropractor is the other thing that helps keep everything in control.  Find a reputible one, some of them tend to be quacks.  I would not go to a chiro that doesn't take xrays before he start any kind of therapy on you.  Here in Dallas, there is a place called Texas Back Institute that has wonderful chiros, I don't know if they have any offices in your area, but you might check.


I'm 5'4"      SW 220 / CW 130 / GW 115
on 9/23/09 8:37 am - Houston, TX
 unfortunately my home is in Texas (and my heart) but my hiney is sitting here in Singapore for the next 6-8 months. The flight over here was absolute misery, 23 hours, even in business class, was just too much. There are massage shops, holistic shops, herbal shops, and GNC, but I'll have to go through our insurance carrier to get any treatment from a doctor of any kind. There is a list of approved providers, of course, and they're very conservative about who gets on the list, no voodoo types, no docs who aren't approved to practice in the US, etc. It means we shouldn't have to worry about quacks, but you never know. I've found Tiger Balm patches that I can place right where it hurts for several hours of relief, but they do have to come off eventually. I don't know what's in them, I just know they help some. I'm at the point where I'll try just about anything for some relief. 
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