WOW Wednesday Express

on 9/22/09 7:25 pm - Ft Stewart, GA
so what is your latest wow moment? if you think I bet everyone can come up wtih at least 2 (even if minor ones) in the last week or so

have a great day - I will be in the spa car via the starbux car if you need me today
Home is where the army allows me to live with my husband

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail

Faith *
on 9/22/09 7:34 pm

Good Morning Danni & TMB

I do have two WOW moments that happened about a week or so ago. I can now wear a size M shirt and I finally broke into the 180's on the scales.  I have not seen a size medium and any number in the 180's in over 17 years. 

People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown

on 9/22/09 7:36 pm - Ft Stewart, GA
That is fantasic Faith!! you are doing great! enjoy this weekend
Home is where the army allows me to live with my husband

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail

on 9/22/09 7:35 pm - Ft Stewart, GA
ok my WOWs - I had someone ask if I or my husband was the one in the army - OMG!!!! I look in good enough shape that is not plain to see?!?!?! THAT was an awsome wow - my other one I shared monday I think - I put a 80 pound pack on and weighed with it on and grumped at yeah like I want the scale to say 289 and Tim reminded me there were YEARS when I would have love to see that - and that the last time I did see it I was over the moon LOL b/c I was under 300 pounds

ok that is it for my Wows - long long day yesterday - RAch and I made the bars of iron (I was out of stick butter so we put pnut butter in) and she got to help LOTS - long story short I had to scrub molases and pnut butter out of her hair before we could leave the house, did an almost 3 hour predeployment brief and fair - lots of good info- any army wives out there if your unit offers them GO!!, picked up K from school and went to the park  - where Rach got stung by a wasp - that ended in a trip to urgent care that was useless - I know what to do and what to watch for but I called Tim and he wanted me to go, so we did, came home and then back out agian to get more benidryl, kids to bed and I was ready to pass out - slept till almost 3 so thats not bad

today shouldn't be near as crazy - get kids up, walk K to school come home and clean house - do laundry, take a nap with Rach, pick K up, go to park come home dinner and scouts - oh yeah and go by houseing and throw a fit over the wasps b/c I have called several times and been told they were sending the exterminators

weirdness with the scale - I could care less right now what it says as we get Tim ready and my work outs are not being consistant and I am staying right in a 2 pound range at the bottom of my bonce - very weird

gioing back to bed for a nap - you all have a great day and take care of yourselves
Home is where the army allows me to live with my husband

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail

Faith *
on 9/22/09 7:54 pm
Congrats on your WOW moments!  They are priceless!!!!
Michelle S.
on 9/22/09 7:53 pm - Burkburnett, TX

Good Morning Danni and my TMB Family,

Wait, Wait if you are in the spa car whos driving the train?  Two WOW moments hey?  I am not feeling very wow today as the scale is not being very good to me.  Danni I wish I could have your outlook when it comes to that.  I know I am snacking and emmotional eating due to the move coming up and getting stressed.  Really need to walk, as that is what relieves the stress for me.  I am going to do that today.  Walking with a friend and her little guy!  Ok Wow's one is WLS related the other now.  I have been contacting a lot of old friends on FB and one of them could not believe it was me and then asked me "how much DO you weigh anyway?"  That was a neat moment for me.  I have not seen her in years, and in High School we were both the same body type, and unfortunetly she is still the same.  Ok the other Wow was yesterday on the phone with my grandson Jon, and I could hear Tim asking him who he was talking to and he said "Grammy".   That was such an exciting thing for me to hear.  Makes me even more excited about being there with him as his language begins to develop more and more. (40 days) Had a nice day yesterday.  Bible study (I am loving Beth Moores Esther), and then lunch with Rebecca.  Today like I said walking with a friend in the park then taking her little guy to see the ducks.  Plan to take lots of pictures. Lots of prayers this morning all the way around.  Those of you getting ready to head for Dallas this weekend be safe, have fun and give lots of hugs from me.  Have a blessed day.  Love you guys.





on 9/22/09 8:03 pm - Ft Stewart, GA
Michelle right now I am just focused on doing what I need to - getting Tim packed, preparing kids and me etc - but I have spent 3 YEARS building the habits that are carrying me though this time with out totally trashing my weight - it is a habit to get up when Tim's alarm goes off - pee, weigh, go downstairs and make protien shakes, take vits and then take Tim his shake
it is habit that makes fast food not as apealing - it still "tastes" and smells good to me but now a jr whopper really is to much to eat  - so I share one with Rach b/c I KNOW I don't need a whole one
it is habit that I must walk K to school so I get outside time and exersize to help me not get depressed
it is habit to make dinner that either has few junk carbs or that I can skip them easyly - to make high fiber foods, to add TWO veggies to dinner instead of one or NONE
it is habit that makes me stop and grab a litter of water no matter where I am going
it is habit to make "junk food" for the guys from scrach so I can make it lower fat and lower sugar and sneak in healthy whole wheat carbs
its habit that fills my vit boxes
it is habit that fills in the menu so at least I have an IDEA what to make for dinner

I don't know if the above makes sence but it is truely how I am maintaining with a butt load of stress right now- habit b/c Lord knows I am not doing great at plans right now and if I had to think though each thing I would be lost right now
Home is where the army allows me to live with my husband

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail

Michelle S.
on 9/22/09 8:10 pm - Burkburnett, TX
Thanks Danni,  I actually just printed that out to put on my fridge.  I do make some of those things habbit like vitamins, but thats about it.   It's not that I am eating a lot cause I cant its just the choices I am making for instence, grab a handful or two of Chex mix instead of lunch, snacking after dinner, and eating out way to much.  When we get to Dover I am going to start doing the menu thing like you do!  To hard right now, as I am really just trying to get rid of all the extra food so when it is time to go there is not a lot left over.  Anyway, thanks again for the tips.  I so admire you, and how you deal with things.  Hugs.  Michelle





on 9/22/09 10:47 pm - Ft Stewart, GA
the menu is easyest premove!!! - make a list of what is left in the feezer then a list of meals off of that list - stick it on the fridge n when it's time to look at dinnrt pick one that goes with your mood/schedule for the day - cross it off n repeat

just go do it then u have one less thing to worry about while moving
Home is where the army allows me to live with my husband

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail

George T.
on 9/22/09 8:15 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Before I get to my WOW moments, let me ask everyone to keep a friend/co-worker of mine in your prayers.  She is having RNY today at Baylor Dallas (in about 2 hours).

Wows for me, let me see.  I ran to get in out of the rain the other day.  In the old days, I would just say the heck with it, I'll just get wet.

And the other Wow is for my willpower.  My weight got a little higher than I prefer, so I went two days without junk food snacks to make sure my weight got down.  I don't guess that is really too much of a Wow, but it meant something to me that I still have the willpower when I have to.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

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