Friday WLS express
Question- I'll be getting a scooter thing that I kneel on because I can't bear weight on it for 3 weeks, but I was wondering if anyone had a wheelchair we could borrow for longer outings than I can handle scooting around.
My stops this weekend, well we are taking Chris to my sisters tomorrow morning and heading to McKinney for the wedding. Then we hope to catch a movie and get back to SW FW to get Chris and that's about it. I know a trip to Wal-Mart is in order. I used the buggy the other day because my foot hurt so bad and man that thing stops so suddenly -I almost got whiplash! lol
Prayers for a great weekend for all. Thanks for being you! I love you all!
Good Morning Danni and the rest of my TMB Family,
It's a beautiful morning her at Sheppard AFB. Actually turned the AC off last night and slept with the windows open. I love this weather. Danni, I am so sorry about your Grandmother. Will continue to keep you all in prayer. Alissa, I am so glad you are going to get that foot taken care of. I know it stinks that you wont get to go to the confrence but just think in a month or so there will hopfully be no more pain. Nothing worse then living with cronic pain. Believe me I know! I am waiting to hear from my doc to set up another SI injection in my other hip. Would really like to get it done before having to travel in the car for a week. (45 days left) Tummy has been pretty good lately. Seems I get terriable Gas pains at night but I take my Gas-X and it seems to help. I only have two stop requests for this weekend. One is Jan Lee Baptist Church on Sunday, and the other is Eric's friend Christians house tomorrow so he can come and spend the night. Maybe I will bake, not really sure. We finally got our orders yesterday, so Mark has got our name on the housing list in Dover now, (he should hear from them today) and we need to set up Household goods and figure out when they will come and pack us up. Seeing those orders really makes it official. Ok guess that is it this morning. Prayers for those in need. Meggie, have you gone back to work yet? Hope you are feeling better with each day. Justin and Susan, prayers that Justin's doc appt coming up with show nothing else. Annette, you and Matt are on my heart this weekend. I am sure you are on cloud nine. Enjoy your day, and I will be thinking about you guys on Saturday. Liz, I miss you. Sure hope you are feeling better. Has anyone heard from Loralee? Danni, I know God has special plans for you, my prayers continue for you! Have a blessed day. Love you guys.
Not back to work yet. If I am up for a whole day I stay in the recliner the next! Really having trouble getting my strength back this time! Sounds like life is getting ready to go topsy turvey for you again! Deleware is a great area and you are so close to so many things to do up there. Rehobath Beach is one of our favorite places and it is wonderful in the winter!
Thanks for checking on me!
I have a funny confession to make. The posting time on the daily express threads always start at 2:30 or so in the morning and I couldn't figure out why so many of you were getting up that early. It finally dawned on me that the clock on this forum isn't set to Texas time. It's about 3 hours earlier. So, your 2:30 has really been 5:30 all along.

I got a lot of good answers yesterday to things that have been hanging over my head for a while, so I'm feeling calmer today.
Hope everyone gets good answers today!
a lot of us are up at 4 or 5 either to get some "me" time or to get a work out in etc - I get up at 4:15ish with hubby but hardly ever hit the computer before 5 when he leaves

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
Good morning everyone,
I'm a nervous wreck today. Matt's dad and his dad's girlfriend and Matt's best man who has been his best friend for over 30 years all fly in today. It will be the first time I meet any of his family/friends from Mass. We have lots to do today so that should keep my mind off of things but I woke up at 4am and couldn't go back to sleep. I'm ready to get the day going but I'm letting my groom sleep longer. We can't exactly show up at my dad's house with 2 large dogs at this hour. LOL. I will admit that I bought chocolate yesterday. Debbi, you would be proud though. I still have most of that chocolate. I only ate about 5 of the m&m's out of the bag. Trying really hard not to stress eat.
Clifford is entertaining me and making typing a challenge. Saying prayers for all of you. Danni, take time to breathe and say a prayer. Have a great day everyone.
Have a great day before the wedding annette...chill out a little!
I'm ready to get work over with today and head to A & M for tailgating the whole weekend.
Prayers for all who need them.
Have a great weekend!
Karla Lewis 337/194/175
Lap RNY 1-23-2006 Dr. Terry Scarborough Houston, TX
Lipo 4-27-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
LBL 11-13-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
BL & brachioplasty 7-18-2008 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX