My woo hoo is that last week I took charge of the vitamin and protein situation. I've been pretty religious about every vitamin except calcium and since I can't drink milk I esp need to be taking that one. I ordered some protein samples that I hadn't tried, a few 1.6 oz vials of fluid that have 50 grams of protein in them (except I thought it was 25 but I didn't read that each one has 2 servings in it) and some new calcium that I hadn't tried before. Its from Bariatric advantage. I thought they were chewable but turns out you have to let them dissolve in your mouth which I'm struggling with. And my unjury came yesterday as well.
Today I take Chris to the dentist in the afternoon so a short day- I worked 2 1/2 hours late last night to make up for it.
Hope everyone has a great day today!!!
There was an article on the FRONT page of the Federal Times about the USPS and their stand-by rooms! Very interesting!! Here is a link if you want to read it! http://www.federaltimes.com/index.php?S=4265826 Now every government office has read this! I say, if they want to help us without bailing us out, USE US!! Other government offices use FedEx!! Can you believe it!! Dang!
Anyway! Enough of that. Seems like I've been into dark nail polish lately. Not black, but DARK blue and DARK purple! Weird, but it's kinda cool. I'm liking it! Makes me feel like Abby on NCIS! Well, I've got to go take a shower, (yea!!) and get dressed and get to work (boo!). I hope you have a great day! Love ya!
Initial surgery 2006-Highest weight 305 - got down to 180
Having revision surgery soon!
Current 265 / Goal 180
"We can't all be heros. Someone has to clap for me when I walk by!"
Good Morning Alissa and the rest of my TMB Family,
I woke up chilly this morning and actually grabbed a sweater to keep warm. Happy WooooHoooo Wednesday. I have a HUGE wooohooo this morning. After a little over 2 years I finally got a chance to speak to my son Dan. I had called my Mom, (and he is there this week visiting) to make sure he had gotten the computer Mark had ordered for him. He had and he got on the phone to say thanks. It was like pulling teeth to get him to say anything but I managed to get a few things out of him. He would not tell me he loves me, but thats ok cause I know he does. I will just keep doing what I'm doing and know that in time things will get back the relationship a Mother and Son should have. My other WoooHooo is only 47 more days till we are on the road! Not to much on the agenda for today. After being gone the last few days doing stuff, I really should stay around here and do some house work but we will see what the day brings. If not today then tomorrow. BB Finale was great last night but I wont say to mu*****ase there are some that DVR'd it and have not seen it yet. Well guess that is all from this end of the world. Alissa have you tried the Slim Fast with Protein? It is really good but expensive. When I have it I drink a half of a can in the am and one at night. I want to say it is 15 grams of protein and does not taste half bad at all. Prayers today that are in need. Meggie, I hope you are getting stronger with each day and will soon be back to work. Justin and Susan, you are on my mind a lot these days. I will continue to keep you in prayer. Liz, sure hope you are feeling better soon. Worry when I dont see you around for more then a day or two. Have a blessed day ya'll. Love you guys. Michelle
my woo hoo is that I am maintaning - losing might be nicer but this is a big deal to me - plus I kicked butt in my new class yest5erday and I am not even sore hehehe
we are half way to the weekend but I am tyring to make sure to enjoy each day as it comes- have savory muffins and cream of brocoli cooking this morning - just not into breakfast foods right now- I tryed a deep water arobics class yesterday and it was a blast - I plan to make it a normal t/th habit but not this thurs b/c I have maintance coming to do some work on the house - I thought it was wed but the calander says thurs - I have had issues with what day of the week it is all week - I am trying to drag out every day I can
still working on the college on line thing - have it narrowed down to 3 and will make a desion in the next few days -
work picnic on Sat - Rachel's cardio apt is Fri as is Tim's ortho to see if he is deployable or not - we are still pretty much counting on him going but I need to know!!! had a hard time last night - a friend whoses hubby is going at the same time but first deployment called and asked about packing his footlocker - I was helpful and all but then it really hit me hard latter
my weight is still hanging in there so at least I am not stress gaining LOL
prayers for all that need them
take your vits!! drink your water and get in that protien and gym time - why did you have your surgery if not to be HEALTHY and how do you plan to get/stay healthy if you don't take care of you

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail