Friday WLS express
So, what's everyone up to this weekend? Its just me and Chris. We don't have many plans- probably go to my neices first soccer game of the season.
Hope everyone has a fantastic day!!!
My plans for the weekend are going to the football game tonight. Tomorrow, as a chamber board member, I will be volunteering at the annual Chamber of Commerce Super Saturday Auction. It usually requires 12 hours of our time for setup, the auction and clean up. So on Sunday, I plan on resting and possibly going to the movies in the afternoon. I hope Chris gets to feeling better. Have a great weekend everyone!
People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown
Good Morning Alissa and the rest of my TMB Family,
It's finally Friday. Why does it seem that when we have a Monday off that the week seems longer then normal? I am very excited about the day ahead. Going to have breakfast with my friend Kim, then to Walmart for a pedicure and a mancure and then I am going to get my hair done. I think I will get it colored and highlited not sure. I can not remember the last time I had a day where I could do all of this stuff. Mark is such a great guy. Not sure how I got so lucky. I am feeling very blessed these days. Not sure what the rest of the weekend will bring. Depends on the weather. We are supposed to get rain. Alissa, I sure hope Chris is feeling better and that those Antibiotics kick in quickly. Wish I was closer to help out. Is Bryan away on business? I noticed you said it was just you and Chris this weekend. Happy Birthday Laura. I hope you have a super day. Prayers this morning, for all those in need, especially Meggie, Ramon, Justin and Susan, Annette and Liz. I know there are lots more out there but know that I pray for all of you every day, those spoken and those unspoken. Have a blessed day. Love you guys,
Thanks for always remembering us in your prayer list. We definitely need them!! Justin's follow up appt with the oncologist is October 2. They will be doing the comparison CT then to see if the lymph nodes have changed/grown/shrunk/whatever. I'm trying not to stress over it, but it's always in the back of my mind, ya know?
Hope you have a great day. The mani/pedi sounds heavenly!!
life is good - looks like we will get to come home on leave for a week or so in the next month - not for the conference but at least I will get to see everyone before LLs new years eve party this way plus a road trip with Tim is always fun -
everyone take good care of you today - do what you are suppose to - tell someone you love them just b/c you can

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail