May We Never Forget
It is one of those events where you remember exactly where you were, what you were doing and the pain is real. I remember the day JFK was shot, the day the space shuttle blew, and the day the planes crashed into our country's heart.
Take time to say a prayer, our country still needs help.
Be Kinder than Necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
QUE-very well said..
For JFK..I was in the first grade. All I really remember was our teacher crying and telling us "Caroline's daddy went to Heaven". She was tying to put it at a level we would understand...
For the 1985 space shuttle I was working at the nursing home in Forest of my lil ladies said "honey-that rocket blew up". Of course, I assumed she was confused about lift off, et****il I sat down and watched the TV with her...She smugly said "Told ya!" and blew snuff on me...
For the 2003 space shuttle I had been watching Channel 8 news, when they showed it in "real time"--the "too bright" light, that no one realized at the time was actually the shuttle burning apart. Pieces of the machinery landed in my uncle's yard in Nacadogches...
9/11 I was as a day care nurse and had just returned from taking a van load of kiddoes from Joshua to Godley, for school. One of the nursery workers told me. We turned on the TV in time to see the 2nd plane hit...We kept the office TV on all day, and held all our babies tightly. I picked MY babies up early from school that day...
May be we NEVER forget how we felt, and never stop praying.
RNY 4-22-02...
LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155
We Can Do Hard Things
When the Challenger blew up I was working at the bank in Cameron. I was so excited to see the first teacher be a part of history, I cried all day.
For 9/11 I was working in Houston, one of our coworkers called from the airport in Colorado and told us to turn on the TV. We also saw the second play hit. No one did any work, we were all sitting in front of the TV in shock. Our bosses from Kansas City called and told us all to go home. I went picked up my boys at daycare. Another sad day of crying.
And let's not forget the Columbia crash over Texas in 2003.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
For the JFK assassination, I was in the 7th grade. We were in music class. Our teacher was about 6'5" tall and over 300 lbs. A very hard nosed guy. When the news came over the PA system he broke down in tears and told us to get the he** out of the class. Fifteen minutes later they called the school day.
For the space shuttle, I believe I was at work for my part time job. Saturday morning.
For 9/11, I was at work for my full time job. People kept logging off the phones to go to the break room.
May God be with the surviving family members of these tragedies.
The day the space shuttle blew, Tom and I were sitting in our living room trying to make a decision on whether or not to move to Azle. We were discussing pros and cons of leaving our big house when the sonic boom hit. It was a sound we had not heard since our childhood and Carswell was a SAC Base. We put off making that decision for a few days.
I was in the office alone when the plane**** We did not have a TV only a radio, it was very sad to hear accounts that went on all day and got worse. The deli next door had a TV and I was standing there when the first tower fell. It was a day full of tears.
It makes me wonder what is next. It makes me resolved to do my best, make informed decisions and pray that our leaders and the people of this country make good sound decisions. I know it is hard for one person to make an impact but our prayers are our best defense.
Be Kinder than Necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
when 9/11 happened I was driving a school bus in Wiley - we could see people outside the schools as we dropped kids off and then we got told to come in to teh office when we parked - I called Tim and soon afterwards we decided for me to be a stay home mom b/c we were going to be working on getting out of debt weither I was working or staying home and family needed to be our priority
I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
I was in high school when the space shuttle blew....I just remember the teachers telling us and the tv's going was such a surreal moment....
a friend and I were on the way to my dd's elementary school to do hearing and vision testing all day.... we were turning the corner to pull in the parking lot when we very cheerfully called Joni (Katy Girl) to wish her a happy birthday....she told us what had happened....the first plane had just hit...when we got into the school nobody had heard yet so we were the bearers of bad news....No TV's were allowed on because they didn't want to scare the we were filtered info all morning and day bystaff and admin. Just remember the principal coming in and telling us they were locking down the school and to try our best to keep our emotions in check for the kids sake....that was so hard...we rushed home at our lunch break and sat glued to the tv ...I just remember being so glad I was in the same place as my dd was...if anything happened I would be right there with her....
This is why I no longer watch the news in the morning! I start my days with music on VH1 or MTV! Start the day happy!! Too much evil in the world to hear it talked about 1st thing in the morning!