Wednesday WLS Express!!

Deb *.
on 9/8/09 10:17 pm
Good morning Train Riders!  I posted my Woohoo yesterday, and it's in my avatar.  Me and my Mom bought matching shirts for the first time in our lives.  It was awesome to be able to shop in the same department!

I talked to the nurse yesterday, my hormones went down some but not much on Saturday.  I'm going back in this morning to have them tested again and I'm betting I'll have to get another shot to move things along.  It's very frustrating, I want this over and done with so we can get on with life.  It is what it is though, and we'll get through it.

I had a meeting with our women's planning team at church last night, we're gearing up for a couple of different things this fall.  We are starting a coffee connection with small groups of 3 women to try to help people get to know each other better, and also planning for our fall event in Oct.  Of course I took on some more stuff, so I'm seriously thinking I need to get a day planner so I can keep track of what I need to do.

Tonight is the Collin Cty meeting about emotional eating.  I can definitely speak to that as the last week has been a free for all for me, and unfortunately the scale shows it.  I'm back up 5lbs and I'm super annoyed.  I have a follow up with my surgeon on Monday and I really wanted to be down lower. 

Hope everyone has a great day!


Alice Davis
on 9/9/09 8:50 am - Blooming Grove, TX
Debbie, you look fantastic!  This is the first time I have been on for a few days. I love your new avatar.  What part of Maryland is your mom from? My folks used to live in Calvert county before they passed away. I love that part of the country. You and your mom look great in your matching t shirts.
Deb *.
on 9/9/09 9:22 am
Thanks Alice!  They live in Beltsville, MD.  To be honest unless I pull up a map I have no idea where that is.  They moved up there about 9 or so years ago, and really enjoy it now.  Though they will be back in Texas after Dad retires.

Good to see you on the train!


Stephanie G.
on 9/8/09 10:32 pm - Rowlett, TX

Quick fly-by...I'm off to get my semi-annual labs drawn this morning.  Remember, taking your vitamins is great but you also have to get your labs drawn to SEE if you're taking enough.  I hate FASTING!!!

Excited that Liz and Tom are headed my direction today.  I have about 20-25 pieces of yard art for the halloween bash plus 3 rubbermaid tubs of stuff.  Our yard used to be the halloween headquarters of Rowlett.  People used to come take pictures in our yard back in the days of heavy trick-or-treating.  Now that we dropped off from 300 kiddos to about 50-75, it's just not worth the effort. 

My woohoo is that I'm back at GOAL after a tiny gain.  I need to keep up the B2B so I can continue the downward trend.  I've got a REALLY tight Halloween costume to fit into in about a month, YIKES!!

RNY revision from lapband 7/30/07...TT/BL 10/9/08 and at GOAL

Susan T.
on 9/8/09 11:15 pm - Waco, TX
Good Morning TMB!!!

What to say this morning?  I'm working really hard at staying positive and keeping my focus - not only in my WLS journey but in life in general.  Some days it's easy, some days not.  Today is an in between day. 

I'm loving the weather here in VA today.  Blue sky, sunshine and moderate temps.  It's about 72 right now - high is supposed to be 76 in VA Beach.  I turned off the AC and opened all the windows.  My neighbors think I'm crazy.  It's "too humid" for them.  Oh please!!!  This is absolutely gorgeous weather and I'm taking advantage of it!!

Still waiting for Justin's appt.  Tried to make the appt yesterday, but apparently called too late in the day.  Left a message, but so far, no one has bothered to call me back.  If I don't get a call by lunchtime I will call them again.  Hoping I don't have to do that, but probably will.

Need to make an appt for myself.  This summer I've found some "spots" on my hands, arms, legs and face that are suspicious.  Showed them to my sister and she encouraged me to get to the dermatologist ASAP as she'd had several similar spots removed earlier this year and was told they were pre-cancerous.  Our aunt who has similar coloring to us has melanoma so that makes us cautious about things like this.  Also need to get in and have my labs drawn. It's been just over a year since my last ones were done.  Gotta keep an eye on those numbers!

Hope you all have a great day!!  I plan to do so!!  :)  Love and prayers for all.  MAKE GOOD CHOICES!!
Susan   Cheeleader Jump 

on 9/8/09 11:15 pm - Mesquite, TX

WooHoo it's Wednesday!!  I can't say it's been much of a WooHoo week around here.  I guess my biggest WooHoo is that my scale is being nice this week and my bathing suit that was already a little loose, it's really loose.  Going to need to find another one or two for water aerobics or it ain't gonna be a pretty picture when parts start falling out!  YIKES!!

King being sick is never fun and apparently this diverticulitis stuff is really painful.  He can't sleep, thus leads to me not getting my usual dead to the world sleep either.

After spending most of the afternoon with him at the doctor's office, I've got to really bust my butt today to get done with my testing project for work.  That's always fun when it's a new software roll-out with tons of bugs and test scripts that are not written to make any sense at all.  It's not like it's some fancy-dancy program, it just a "smart" tool to help with MS Office Suite - full of macros to make writing proposals and business documents easier.  So far, it ain't making it easier for me!

I went to the gym for water aerobics last night and there was a new girl there leading the group and she really worked us.  Today I have my last session with a trainer to learn the ropes at 24-Hour Fitness.  Now to decide whether or not it's worth the money to continue with additional sessions.  I'm thinking not, but we'll see.  It's not like I want to train to be a body builder or anything. 

Better hit the work or I'll never get done with it before the deadline tonight. 

Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday - 2 days 'til Friday!

Akc Crazy
on 9/8/09 11:53 pm - Bedford, TX

Good morning everyone,

Woohoo Wednesday.  OK, let's see.  I have my resume updated and 2 people have looked at it so far and given their approval.  I have applied for 3 jobs so far and required to do 6 a week for unemployment.  I will do more of course but did qualify for unemployment, so that's a big Woohoo.  The biggest Woohoo is that I get married in 10 days.  I'm also keeping my Vits going and my eating is pretty much under control.  Only fell off the first day after losing my job with a candy bar I was mindlessly eating.  

OK, need to get some stuff done so I can head over to Allen/McKinney later for support group.  Saying prayers for all of you.  Have a great day everyone.

Highest 254/ Current 173.5/ Goal 145
"One day at a time."

Jill P
on 9/9/09 1:20 am - Katy, TX
Definitely a WooHoo Wednesday!  My two older girls knocked it out on the tennis courts and won ALLLL their matches yesterday.  One match was so exciting that the entire tennis team came to root her on and when she won, they all ran out on the court to congratulate her.  Even though the two sisters argue with each other (usual sibling spats...moreso that we have nothing but girls so drama is off the charts), the older sister was the first girl out there to mob her sister.  This momma had a huge smile on her face and was soooo excited for them all!  Of course, I'm going to be completely gray or bald by the time tennis season is over.  Watching them makes me a complete NERVOUS WRECK!  Sheer determination won my daughter that win - which is what we need to keep our weight off - determination that we are NOT going to go back to our old habits, determination that we are NOT going to make ourselves ill from not taking our vitamins!  We can all do this!!!
Jill P. 

Lynnette S.
on 9/9/09 3:01 am - Whitesboro, TX

Good Morning OH Family!

My Woohoo is two things, WL related I'm under goal which is good since I'm a little over 2 years out,with that said, I am having a little trouble eating dense protein. My other Woohoo is that I actually look forward to going to work and am so grateful that I now have a job where when I clock out I'm done! I don't stress or think about work when I'm off like I use to. I'm actually getting to enjoy and notice the change in the seasons. Rick and I are actually planning on taking a little trip to Arkansas this year. Tomorrow is going to be a little hard for me, it would have been Mark's 51st birthday. I've been a little tearful especially late at night. OK......on a lighter note. I will find out tonight what the cost of Ron White's tickets are and see if I can get off of work. Welll better go make the bed and get a few things done before time to go to work. Continued prayers for Justin, Meggie, Debbi and Ramon.

Your loved!


 Piano Man 


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