Labor Day WLS Express
Good morning all! Yes, obviously I have to LABOR today, or I'd still be under those blankets behind me, with what's his name. I'm hoping for a busy, fast work day. I'm in training, in Granbury, the next 2 days, so should make for a fast week. Working today also gets me paid for taking off the Friday of the OH not 'tupid...
So glad to see MEGGIE got home...about the time RAMON went IN the hospital. Extra special prayers for both of them
A big THANK YOU to LORALEA for leading THE PRINCESS CREW on Saturday mornings. It would not be happening, it not for your encouragement, our dear Drill Sargent....SIR...errr...MAAA'AAM
Hope everyone has a restful/healthy day...and go take your damn's not that difficult...if I can do it, anyone can.
Gina AKA Nurse Diva
RNY 4-22-02...
LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155
We Can Do Hard Things

Hoping to get home by 5pm today because we still have to go grocery shopping.
Prayers for Meggie, Ramon, Justin, and all others that need them. Hope everyone has a great day!
puttering around today - have sour dough rising - will bake that and pull the beef jerkey off the dryer - not sure what else we are doing other than not a whole lot LOL
have a great day everyone
peace and prayers for all

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
Good Morning Nurse Gina and the rest of my TMB Family,
Happy Labor day! Gina so sorry you have to work today but those people are so lucky to have you! My husband is so sweet. He is up and ready to walk with me, but I am not going anywhere at least for a little while. Took my corectol last night. (TMI Sorry) He needs to go to work so guess he will go, and I will wait till my tummy settels down and then try and walk, or ride my bike if its not to hot. Not much on the agenda for today. Laundry to fold, a nice dinner (not sure what yet), and take Eric's friend home this afternoon some time. I would go shopping but dont feel like fighting the crowds. Speaking of shopping, I am sending a bunch of stuff with Rebecca for the clothing exchange. Mark says I need to clean out my closets got to much stuff and a lot of it I dont ever wear. Ok time to drink my coffee. Vitamins already down. Prayers this morning for Meggie (so glad you are home and resting), Ramone, please take care of you and hope that the tests come back all ok, prayers for Susan, Justin and the rest of the family. When do you get some test results? Prayers for all. Have a blessed day. Love you guys. Michelle
Good morning. I am sitting at my desk. I have the policy "the earlier
I get to work- the earlier I can leave". So I punch the time clock at
650a and will leave as soon as my 81/2 are up.
Traffic was very light. I must get to work.
I am leaving for Nice on Saturday for a
work conference. I will be in meetings all week
but it is still fun to think I am going to Nice, France.
Have a great day.