The NIGH****CHMAN - Wednesday - 8/12
wow im impressed with Dr K! I will cut her some slack since i called the office twice today about a refill and was hung up on both times (can you hold please, sure. then.. nothing!)
So glad she was on top of things iwth you tho! Im glad your pain is declining.. im heading back to katy tomorrow evening, need me to run over and do laundry for you? i dont EAT laundry soap- taste nasty lol
Please take care of YOU!
So glad she was on top of things iwth you tho! Im glad your pain is declining.. im heading back to katy tomorrow evening, need me to run over and do laundry for you? i dont EAT laundry soap- taste nasty lol
Please take care of YOU!
When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice
That phone was ringing off the hook. When I got there at 3:00, no one in the waiting room which shocked me. I was in and out of that office in 35 min! Couldn't believe it. During that 30 min though, that phone was ringing off the hook. I think there is one new gal in there, too, and that poor thing was running around like a chicken with her head cut off! When I was leaving, she was ATTEMPTING to answer the phone since both Diana and Nadia were answering their phones, but she looked massively confused on which button to probably got her! Nice!!! If you need something from them, remember, she only is there until noon on Thursdays.
Thanks for the offer on the laundry - what stuff I had for the girls (four loads) was done Tuesday night thankfully! I had only one load left and I had started that early Wed. so it was done. Paul laid the law down on the squirrels, oh, I mean GIRLS last night and told them that if I needed anything done, I just needed to tell them and they were to do it during the day both today and Friday. I just felt bad that I yanked him out of a meeting for nuttin'....
Thanks for the offer on the laundry - what stuff I had for the girls (four loads) was done Tuesday night thankfully! I had only one load left and I had started that early Wed. so it was done. Paul laid the law down on the squirrels, oh, I mean GIRLS last night and told them that if I needed anything done, I just needed to tell them and they were to do it during the day both today and Friday. I just felt bad that I yanked him out of a meeting for nuttin'....
I figured it was something to that effect with the office. Just glad they got YOU taken care of!!!!Im sure Paul was not the least bit upset about being 'yanked' out of a meeting for nuttin. Now, take care of YOU ;)
When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice
Evening George,
Not much new here. Did get all call from DD's school on her not being in algebra, seems she scored 1 point too low on the "Maps" test, but they will move her into algebra on a "probationary period" for the first semester to see how she does. I am so totally lost on all of this stuff, and of course all I get from DD is eye rolls because I don't understand. What the heck is "Maps"????? Anyway, still don't have her updated schedule, which the councilor said they would email to me today.
Prayers for all of the spoken and unspoken requests. Special prayers for those hurting tonight for what ever reason.. Special prayers of healing for Elizabeth Grace and her family and friends. May God continue to hold all of us in His gracious, comforting hands.
Blessings to all,
Not much new here. Did get all call from DD's school on her not being in algebra, seems she scored 1 point too low on the "Maps" test, but they will move her into algebra on a "probationary period" for the first semester to see how she does. I am so totally lost on all of this stuff, and of course all I get from DD is eye rolls because I don't understand. What the heck is "Maps"????? Anyway, still don't have her updated schedule, which the councilor said they would email to me today.
Prayers for all of the spoken and unspoken requests. Special prayers for those hurting tonight for what ever reason.. Special prayers of healing for Elizabeth Grace and her family and friends. May God continue to hold all of us in His gracious, comforting hands.
Blessings to all,
Hey big bro...
Back home again...lonnnng evening. Went to my doc, she didn't like where the isolated pain was so sent me to get stat bloodwork as well as a stat CT. Had to do paperwork first, omg, what a hospital wouldn't be without paperwork for Pete's sake!!! Signed my life away then headed to the lab. The phlebotomist in there was an absolute gem. You know me and needles....
...well, she did great, got me on the first stick. Getting lab stuff isn't near as traumatic for me as IV's are though. Ewww, just SHUTTER with those. After I finished there, headed to Imaging. The guy gave me TWO bottles of Crystal Light loaded with contrast and told me to drink them. As soon as I finished, the timer was set for 1.5 hours. I asked if I could run home so I could get the girls to tennis tryouts at 5 pm. Yep, no problem. I had already called Paul and told him what the plan was, so he abruptly ended the meeting he was in (his boss knew what was going on so had already told him if he needed to leave, then GO!!!) and got in line for a bus so he could head out to Katy from downtown. Heather's tennis racquet was in my Suburban so I really needed to get it to her before she left. He and I got home about the same time so he ran the girls to tennis. We got back to the hospital at 7 pm but had to wait about 20 min. because there was the daily shift change right at 7 pm so no one was around when we got back to Imaging! When the guy came out, Paul asked me, "do you need me back there"? I said, "no, I don't think so, why"? He asked again, which is when I said, "unless there is an IV, I won't need you". The tech said, "uh, yeah, there is"! WHAT?!?! I had already drank that contrast, WTH?!? Paul said, "sorry hun, I knew it but didn't want to tell you so you'd get even more upset". At that point, I literally started to shake. If you only knew how many IV attempts my arms have had (freaks me out just thinking about it!!!). The guy did ok though and even let both him and Sarah sit behind the window with him while taking the images. Everything went fine, all the images were clear so they told us to hang loose in the waiting area until the radiologist could do the initial "wet" read. Of course they were not going to tell us anything but basically if they told us we could go, then it wasn't a big problem....which is exactly what happened. My doc called me at the house though at 10 pm and said she got the results back and no appendicitis, but the radiologist told her, "I know what it WAS...a ruptured ovarian cyst". Now, normally ruptured cysts are small and are not detected on a CT. My doc and I had previously discussed the possibility that it might be a cyst (as both are generally in the same area) as I've had them before, and when they did my hysterectomy shortly after Sarah was born, we opted to leave one ovary in so I didn't have to deal with having to take hormone supplements. My doc said, "the radiologist saw all the fluid from the bursted cyst and said, "it normally is not detected unless it is huge and this one was definitely huge with the amount of fluid it left wonder your patient was in pain"! So, obviously that is better than an appendicitis because by tomorrow all should calm down. When I had them more frequently ions ago, three days was about right from start to "finish" when it settled down. Hallelujah, definitely the less of the two evils.
Regarding "court" news....Heather and V had to play each other. Heather called afterwards to say the her sister beat her 8-2! V is definitely ON FIRE!!! Heather lost gracefully, buuuut, apparently they WERE bickering on the court early on and sadly, another MOM went up to them and asked them to quit because it was rude to others who were playing. OMG, I was SO embarrased when I heard much so that I told both girls that the next time they see Hilliary's mom, they are BOTH to apologize to her AND the rest of the girls who were out there playing and assure them that behavior will NOT happen again. Both agreed they should have controlled themselves so if they learned something from it, then terrific. At the end of the match, Heather refused to shake her sister's hand as they are to do after playing anyone. V didn't care but their coach sure did....he told them "uh, I didn't see any sportsmanlike handshakes on your court". A very good coach.
Ok, sorry guys, I wrote a book....
Back home again...lonnnng evening. Went to my doc, she didn't like where the isolated pain was so sent me to get stat bloodwork as well as a stat CT. Had to do paperwork first, omg, what a hospital wouldn't be without paperwork for Pete's sake!!! Signed my life away then headed to the lab. The phlebotomist in there was an absolute gem. You know me and needles....

Regarding "court" news....Heather and V had to play each other. Heather called afterwards to say the her sister beat her 8-2! V is definitely ON FIRE!!! Heather lost gracefully, buuuut, apparently they WERE bickering on the court early on and sadly, another MOM went up to them and asked them to quit because it was rude to others who were playing. OMG, I was SO embarrased when I heard much so that I told both girls that the next time they see Hilliary's mom, they are BOTH to apologize to her AND the rest of the girls who were out there playing and assure them that behavior will NOT happen again. Both agreed they should have controlled themselves so if they learned something from it, then terrific. At the end of the match, Heather refused to shake her sister's hand as they are to do after playing anyone. V didn't care but their coach sure did....he told them "uh, I didn't see any sportsmanlike handshakes on your court". A very good coach.
Ok, sorry guys, I wrote a book....
Thanks George!!! 
As for Heather, nah, not at all. I think he knew it was definitely a sibling thing and not really a "tennis thing". My two are like angels on that team compared to some. In fact, a couple of the boys were definitely being knuckleheads towards each other (one had another in a headlock as he was tired of the other one flinging water at him) so made them do bear crawls for punishment! Another spot opened up on the girls varsity team though, but at the expense of one of the girls. The one gal was diagnosed with an irregular heart beat so her doc wouldn't clear her on her physical since that sport definitely zips up the heart rate. Very disappointing as no one wants to see someone leave for reasons like that but very smart of her doc to not clear her. Better to be safe than sorry!

As for Heather, nah, not at all. I think he knew it was definitely a sibling thing and not really a "tennis thing". My two are like angels on that team compared to some. In fact, a couple of the boys were definitely being knuckleheads towards each other (one had another in a headlock as he was tired of the other one flinging water at him) so made them do bear crawls for punishment! Another spot opened up on the girls varsity team though, but at the expense of one of the girls. The one gal was diagnosed with an irregular heart beat so her doc wouldn't clear her on her physical since that sport definitely zips up the heart rate. Very disappointing as no one wants to see someone leave for reasons like that but very smart of her doc to not clear her. Better to be safe than sorry!