The NIGH****CHMAN - Tuesday 8/11
Today is hump day for me. And I also am happy knowing I am only working a half a day Thursday so we can go to the circus Friday morning.
Not much else in my world right now.
Anonymous prayers for the friend of a TMBer, who is very troubled at this time. I have been in touch with the TMBer and prayers are still needed.
Prayer requests are listed below.
Also, please feel free to just visit here. Tell us about how your day went. Your successes. Your failures. Your fun. Whatever. When I post this thread, I do not have access to any chat programs, so this sometimes substitute as that vessel for me.
Continue to keep your thoughts and prayers for the members of our Armed Forces serving around the world, especially during this time of increased awareness. Please thank God for these men and women every day. In addition, please keep the wives and family members in your thoughts.
Anne and her spouse
Jennifer - (Cruise Director Julie) - still interviewing
Jen Ewald - hoping for a traveling position to open up shortly
Vicki V.
Those who are not yet unemployed, but layoffs are looming
Dana - requests prayer for her sister, Renee. Jaw reconstruction was successful. Still needs therapy for 8-12 weeks.
Janet (1divaatheart) - Surgery was successful on her spouse's kidney. Now comes the healing process.
Jenn Ewald asks prayers that her financial situation improves so she does not lose her house.
Just_Me has requested prayer for Gina A who lost her step mother suddenly. In addition, her grandmother is in a nursing home and not doing well.
Karen (Misty750342002) - Pray for her spouse as he as eye surgery on 8/13 in an attempt to save his eyesight.
Kateri - asks prayers for the rapid selling of her house.
Lalocaweta asks for prayers for her spouse as he seeks employment elsewhere since his company appears to be closing it's doors. Also she is seeking part time employment.
Lindaybarnett requests prayer for her 87 year old mother. She is in ICU. Fluid in her lungs and around her heart and heart enzymes are too high. She is in Atlanta.
Meggie - friend Nancy is in assisted living home and is on her last days. Pray for Meggie's family also as they try to fight through this.
Robin S. requests prayer for her son Tyler who is on his liquid diet, with WLS scheduled for 8/4.
Vanessa (ButterflyReborn) asks for prayers for her family.
Vicki V. - husband Patrick has Ataxia and Neuropathy of the left side. Which basically means he has virtually no feeling in his left leg and foot. Experiencing fatigue.
Below are two of God's children that definitely need our prayers. These are two specific cases, we know there are others out there. Remember them too.
Gina J. - Pray for her 6 year old Marina, diagnosed with a terminal illness at age 2. She has improved, but still needs our prayers. Pray for this brave little girl.
Vanessa - We have all followed the story of Elizabeth. Here is her Caringbridge page:
Good day here.......felt like I got alot accomplished today at work - job#1 so that is a good thing.
Our office is moving locations this Friday - so it is just crazzzzeeee around here...........Orange buckets all other the place....
I'm excited about the move....our desk space is much much smaller and so everyone is griping about that......but I say - clean out your old crap and just deal with it..................shut up - at least you have a job !! huh?
Not much else going on in my corner..............Amanda is dieting and seems to be doing quite well. I think that she has lost 5 lbs since she started...but 10 total since she knew what her high weight I told her that is what she want s to go by. She goes over to a friend's house every day and excercises................. GO AMANDA !!! YOU GO GIRL !!
Weight battling runs in my family............imagine that !!
I dont' have much else planned for this week. Our office closes at 3pm - so I may try to hang out for 2 hours somewhere on Friday...........just relax and have time for me...............oops - maybe not - this is the year that I need to get my DL renewed !! Dang it !! I've been here for 7 years already......WOW..........Friends in OKC didn't think that I'd stay for 6 months !! LIke DAni says - Home is where the army allowsyou to live w/your hubby; in my case.........HOME IS WHERE THIS SINGLE MOM HAS A JOB !! LOL

Time to get going........((((((((((((Huggss))))))))))))) to everyone and night night all !
- Pease check out Dr. Connie Stapleton's Website. A lot of good information on there for all WLS patients regardless of the surgery you chose. Good luck to all and I'm here for you if you want to send me an email. I'll answer it as soon as possible.
- Total Lost: 139 lbs
- Current Weight: 263
- As of 11-10-13 I have had weight gain. Not happy about that.
- RNY: 10-16-07 = 338: Highest weight: 350+ Lowest Weight: 199
Within the next 6 weeks we are moving. In the same building, but a location I like much better. Downstairs by the door. Running late you need less time to get to the clock. Leaving - quick getaway. Plus, right now some of our people share desks. We even have supervisors sharing desks. When we go downstairs everyone will have their own desk.
Lame day today. Got up, got the house ready for the showing, met a former colleague for lunch, got to the gym after lunch, but didn't make it in. Came home and hung out. Took a short little snooze, ate some dinner. That's pretty much been it. I need to find some new projects to do around the house because I'm just wasting my days away right now.
I only applied for one more job today (I'm at 9 for the week) and have seven more I'm interested in. I need to get those cover letters done tomorrow morning.
I just checked the weather for Detroit this weekend. The high is going to be in the high 80s and the overnight lows are in the low to mid-60s. I'm not sure what clothes to take for that. I know I'll freeze.
That's all I've got for tonight. I'll be around for a while. Prayers for all who need them.
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
I hope you see Mary tomorrow. I know I don't like it when I don't get to see my hubby. I want to thank you for posting for my like a son Dustin. He has had his Kemo and radiation and is in remission. You may take him off the list.
Please add my hubby he is having eye surgery to hopefully save his eyesight. He will go into surgery on Thursday.
Take care.
Woke up stressing this morning as our electricity bill had to be paid today or would be cut off. So, I called the electric company to say I had an appointment to meet w/ the country agency this afternoon and could they give me one more day.
Was informed that my bill was paid in full and that I actually had a $50.00 credit balance. So, I was totally confused.
Turned out that a friend whom I volunteer w/ once a week at a local food bank/emergency assistance agency had told the agency about our situation and the agency decided to pay 2 months of electricity for us. We had deliberately not approached them as we feel there are people who are worse off then us. However, this was such a shock.
There remain some wonderful people in this world and my faith in mankind is restored!!!
Well, went to our college financing meeting (yes, we're doing this early as Heather is only going to be a Jr. this year but never too early to figure out financing!!!) and learned a lot. Planning to go see the guy for a one to one session. Best of all there is that guy doesn't charge a dime to help you out so it's a beautiful thing!!! We were there about an hour and a half so not bad. Crappy thing though...the body decided to get ugly with me so I have these ugly pains in my right side. Don't think it is appendix but just don't know. Heck, just walking around hurts. Has definitely gotten a bit sharper as the evening has gone on so I'm definitely going to be watching this thing. If it is not better by tomorrow (in case I just tweaked something...) I will be calling good ol' Dr. Garth as he could definitely fix it if that would end up being what it is. I just don't EVEN want to move. WAHHH!!! Just stinks cuz' I'm needing to finish up laundry so walking slooooowly into the laundry room and trying not to bend down too much. Ok, enough of my pity party...