Wednesday WLS Express!!
Ok, enough of the TMI station. Hopefully, I can go to work today and not be totally miserable!! If nothing works today, I may be staying home tomorrow and using something REALLY STRONG! In the mean time, how's everyones Wednesday so far?? LOL!!
Well, better get into the shower and get to work, such as it is. Hope you have a great day!! Love ya!
Initial surgery 2006-Highest weight 305 - got down to 180
Having revision surgery soon!
Current 265 / Goal 180
"We can't all be heros. Someone has to clap for me when I walk by!"
Let me share my "remedy" for severe constipation....Trust won't like it though but it works for me everytime. When I get totally miserable with constipation problems this was recommended by my Bariatric surgeon and it worked for me and others too. I go to Walmart or anywhere else that you can get them and I buy some Dulcolax Supposatories. I can hear you saying OWWWEEE now !!! LOL But they work for me. Just thought that I would share that with you. The directions say that they work in 15 minutes and trust me....that is all the time it takes for me. Good luck !!!
Hugs and blessings ~~~~ Vivian
Vivian Prouty Obesity Help Support Group Coach "LOSE IT 4 LIFE"
Finished my 2 day training in Dallas-thankfully. My right foot is still bothering me so I might have to break down and go to the doctor. I know I'll need to see a foot doc but have to see my PCP first. I am going to ask to see a new foot doc because this has been going on for years, on and off, and I'd like to see if there are other options. Foot surgery though isn't an option for me, unless the doc really feels strongly about it. Foot surgery is the worst! I've had 2 now.
Going to be out in meetings all morning, then hopefully I can play some catch-up in the afternoon at work. My work e-mailbox is almost full-outlook keeps fussing at me. Better dump some stuff soon!
Chris is enjoying camp thankfully. He told us all about it last night over dinner.
Hope everyone has a great day today!!!
Good Morning Laura and the rest of my TMB Family,
Happy Hump day! Laura I sure hope you feel better soon. I end up having to take Correctol now and again when that happens. Lately it happens a lot cause of the pain medication they have me on! Oh well. Have a busy day today. Eric and I both have 8:30 appts to have medication checks. Then I have an appt this afternoon for a pre-admit for the procedure they are doing on Monday. (Shot in my siliac joints) When I had the injections in my lower back they did it at his office. Not sure why the hospital this time. Will ask lots of questions today. I am so looking forward to Dinner on Saturday night with all my friends that I have no seen in forever. We are going to come up early, and go to the grassy nole, and then to the Science Museum. Eric is such a science geek that I am sure he will love it and I cant wait to see the IMAX. Have any of you been there? Is it fun? Then we are going to check into a Hotel relax, shower, and get ready for dinner. I cant wait. 88 days till we are on our way to DE. Cant wait to see my son and grandson! Ok time to get a move on. Prayers for all in need this morning, but special ones for Meggie, and Dana's sister. Have a blessed day. Love you guys. Michelle
life is good - I got up and got 30 mins on the E AND my weights and abs done BEFORE Rach woke up - will go walk with the neigbor in a bit then home make breakfast, meet up with other wives from Tims unit at SB then home and making homemade sushi and eggrolls and fried rice with my gf plus she wil teach me to make chinese dumplings - can't remember what they are called - then off to the Teens open house for his schedule - another walk and I should be able to sleep decently tonight
boys both start school tomorrow - went to Ks open house last night - his teacher seems great - she is about 3 inches taller than him and 7 1/2 months pg and her hubby deploys with Tim
have a great day everyone

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
I am going into work late today. No babysitter for the boys until around 11. My MIL had a cyst removed from her back and has been fighting the infection for 3 weeks. They are having to open it up today and clean it out. My mom is in Houston with my sister, all my teenage nieces and nephews start sport stuff for school, neighbor kid not home. I'm ready for them to go back to school then I don't get put in this situation. My boss is understanding that goodness.
I'm really proud of myself the past 2 days, it's amazing when I log my intake and seriously get fearful of the regain I can turn that switch and make good choices, and amazingly so when you don't eat the juke you aren't hungry, duh. I won't weigh till tomorrow or Friday that way I won't stress about the numbers.
Prayers for all in need today. And to each of you be kind to yourself, and BELIEVE in you.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining