WOO HOO Wednesday Express
Now...put those carbs DOWN!
Can't wait to see you next week...]
Karla Lewis 337/194/175
Lap RNY 1-23-2006 Dr. Terry Scarborough Houston, TX
Lipo 4-27-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
LBL 11-13-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
BL & brachioplasty 7-18-2008 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
Good morning all,
Woohoo Wednesday. Well, I got Clifford to come out of the closet last night and sit in my lap while I was on the computer. Hele wanted to play so bad but Mollie was keeping guard. Now Danni, I don't want you to freak out on this next part. I'm actually very proud of H-dog. Mollie is quite a biotch. She has been pretty testy with H and growls at him and all that. Well, last night, while I'm home all by myself, Mollie pulls her crap. H-dog has had enough, and lets Mollie have it. So here are Mollie and H going after it. I'm thinking, Ok, what am I going to do. I give them about 10-20 seconds to see if the will stop on their own. Holler at them. H-dog lets back some but Mollie keeps at it. I have to intervene. I grab Mollie's collar and pull with all my might, which really isn't all that much. Get Mollie off H and send H to his crate, put Mollie in the bathroom and sit down to recover myself. It's so nice that H can open his own crate and go in. They stay in time out for a bit and come out fine. No one is hurt but I'm pretty sore. I think H-dog sortof put Mollie in her place as long as H doesn't go after the cats. Mollie is very protective of Cliffy. All in all, I think we made pretty good progress yesterday.
So back to our regularly scheduled programming. Saying prayers for all of you. Have a great day everyone.
Good morning train riders...I've got a couple of Woohoo's today. First one happened at Sam's on Monday. Clay's aunt was in line at the food court so I waved at her, she turned and looked at the people around her and finally said "me?" I laughed and said "yes silly I'm talking to you"...well THEN the lightbulb went off and she said "OMG, you look so GOOD, not that you didn't look good before but OMG, I didn't recognize you". It was hysterical, all the people around her were laughing cuz she was so embarrassed to not recognize me.
Other Woohoo is that Hailey got a assistantship for grad school. They only give a few out each year. She will be assigned to work directly under one of the professors. Unfortunately her professor works at the Denton State School so that's where she'll be working. From what we understand it's mainly doing paperwork type stuff in the office. She won't be doing anything with the actual patients as far as we know. But at least she should be working about 20 hrs a week which will cover her spending money.
Anyway, we're off to UNT this morning to fill out paperwork for her job and will swing into IKEA on the way back and buy her computer desk. She also got her apt number assigned yesterday so we're going by there to measure for curtains too. Busy day, sorry for the novel.
RNY revision from lapband 7/30/07...TT/BL 10/9/08 and at GOAL
Back into the X-zone and iPod I shall go today and survive. LOL!!
I've already warned King that Sunday I am NOT getting out of bed except in case of emergencies!! (Or if some fun TMB gathering is taking place I would make an exception!

Ben has to put on 3 door handles in the hall that we painted and we have to either clean and paint or buy a new return air vent that goes in the hall closet door.
Off to Wally World and Lowe's to get what I need to finish today.
Prayers for all who need them.
Hope your ps goes well today Paige!
Have a great whohoo Wednesday.
Karla Lewis 337/194/175
Lap RNY 1-23-2006 Dr. Terry Scarborough Houston, TX
Lipo 4-27-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
LBL 11-13-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
BL & brachioplasty 7-18-2008 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
Can't seem to wake up this morning and have had 2 cups of coffee already. Working to many hours is catching up with me. I am so looking forward to Saturday, first day off in a month, I'm sleeping in (there will be hell to pay if anyone wakes me up including DH), then my daughter and I are going to catch the new chick flick and dinner together. Hope she fills me in on her lasted trip.
I ran/walked my 4 miles yesterday. I had to stop and run the the bathroom midway. I ate 2 cliffhanger electrolytes blocks before my workout and they made me

I plan on sticking to my eating plan, sneaking in a 30 minute workout between both jobs and then hitting the sack when I get home around 11ish.
Have a great day
Hey Lorraine-
Don't know if this helps or is even wanted but my running-eating schedule was like this:
coffee and oatmeal or coffee and yogurt for breakfast. (eaten about 45 minutes before my run) The caffeine in coffee has actually been proven to be helpful.
then during the run I used Gu. I know some of the other girls (Loralea, Jenn, and Gina) used them too without having difficulty. You might want to check with them. Tawnya H uses them as well. During the run I took one every other mile or so.
Afterwards I eat bananas, apples, etc. After the marathon itself I ate quite a bit of fruit but within about an hour I almost passed out from glycogen loss. Make sure you get a meal in you before it hits. It was not a pretty experience. I know others went through the same thing. I think that if I had just kept eating at regular intervals I wouldn't have gone through it, but I waited to actually eat after I rode the bus back to the hotel and then there was a line and I walked from food place to food place and didn't get anything for a while.
The week or so before your run make sure you look up a good eating plan. You'll need to keep track of your carbs and increase them. I didn't do this like I should have and I think that's part of what happened to me.
Good luck!!!
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney