OT: Galveston Joke.......
THis has nothin to do with what u just wrote but I saw ur pic and just wanted to ask if u will please go and read the message that I left on ur profile. This is Melanie and I am Charlene's Daughter. She is just about on Death's door and I sent u a message asking if u would or could change ur mind about filing charges on her. She has been in the hospital already 3 times and just might have to go back today. She is down to 110 and looks like walkin death. She can't keep any food down and hardly any liquids. She is my mom and I know what she did was the worst thing that someone could do to someone that they know but all I am asking is that u would just let us pay u back because my mom will die if she goes to Jail. They won't take good care of her the way her Dr's are.
For those who are wondering what is going on, Charlene stole my debit card out of my wallet at the RYD conference and proceeded to use it until nearly $500 was gone out of my checking account before I discovered it and canceled my card. The sad part is I found her hands in my unzipped purse and I believed her story that she was "looking for my driver's license to see who the purse belonged to". Mine was not the only card stolen at the Meet & Greet that night.
I am sorry your mother is ill and not doing well with her surgery.
As for pressing charges - it is out of my hands and I have nothing to do with it. I eventually got my money back. The DA office will press charges on behalf of Sears, Fish Tales, the San Luis and everywhere else she used my card because THEY are the ones out the money - not me.
RNY 4-22-02...
LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155
We Can Do Hard Things
Sarah, I am so sorry you were forced into this. This "member" should have been blocked a long time ago and we could go on being the support for each other that we need.
I am amazed at your restraint. Karma can be a good thing, and I know the Karma around you is bright and good.
Love you lots girl
Be Kinder than Necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
I have not been on the board or to any of the meetings lately but I am so sorry that this happened to you. Like everyone else has commented I truly applaude

I suggest you go to www.publicdata.com ...
This person has a previous history of fraud, theft by check, credit card fraud.. and other things...
Her last instance of being busted was May 08.. I imagine she doesn't want you to file charges because she may or may not still be on probation....
Public Data is $10.95/mon.. and totally worth it... hubby and I BG check everyone around us.. sounds nutso.. but saves us a lot...
THis has nothin to do with what u just wrote but I saw ur pic and just wanted to ask if u will please go and read the message that I left on ur profile. This is Melanie and I am Charlene's Daughter. She is just about on Death's door and I sent u a message asking if u would or could change ur mind about filing charges on her. She has been in the hospital already 3 times and just might have to go back today. She is down to 110 and looks like walkin death. She can't keep any food down and hardly any liquids. She is my mom and I know what she did was the worst thing that someone could do to someone that they know but all I am asking is that u would just let us pay u back because my mom will die if she goes to Jail. They won't take good care of her the way her Dr's are.
Aww Melanie,Bless ur heart, ur mom won't go to jail for stealing a credit card ESPECIALLY if this is her FIRST time being caught. You don't usually go to jail for FIRST time offenses. This IS her FIRST time right? Well, then you wont have to worry. As for medical care, my hubby worked in the "system" for FIVE years and inmates get very adequate care while in state custody. They get better care than people who DON'T have insurance on the outside.
But can I ask, just cause I'm nosy and u have made it public, how are you going to hold your word on paying the victim back? How is she or anyone to believe that yours or your moms word is gold? I mean, I even believed your mom at the conference when she said she wasn't going to eat at the meet n greet, but there u all were, stuffing ur faces, several times too, not even embarrassed that you hadn't even paid for it!?! You all even had to be called out on that.
Sorry, but ur story does not bring a tear to my eye. All I can say is what goes around, comes around.
U tell me that I sin,
U say Im bound for hell,
So once ur judgment condemns U,
I'd rather be an OPEN sinner
than a FALSE saint...