GOOD MORNING! This morning I want to hear your WOO HOO's of course since its Wed, but also I want to hear something else- we're going to call it- WED WHO'D HAVE GUESSED IT???
For this I want you to tell us something you're good at that noone else would guess about you. Some hidden talent or ability- something querky or a crazy fact about you. Like Molly Ringwalds special way of putting lipstick on in Breakfast Club or something like that. Keep it clean though!
Have a great one and all aboard!
My talent is that I can read print upside down. It started when I taught daycare in college. If anyone has read a book to a group of children you know that they all have to see the picture at the same time, and if you're holding it up to the side to read it right side up, the kids on one side can't see and its chaotic. So I learned to hold it in front of me and read upside down. Now, it comes in handy because I can read things across someone's desk! I don't use it too often but it can come in handy sometimes! I know its no grand talent but I thought it was querky and fun.
Trying to shake things up a bit on the train. Tomorrow is going to be Thursday thoughtful quote of the day where we all share quotes that have helped us along the way of life. So be thinking about that!
Today Chris gets out of school! Grandpa will be there for him at noon and they're going to spend the afternoon together. Its his birthday too! Tonight we're going out to eat for both of them AND its Bryan's last supper, so to speak, before the optifast and surgery-liquids start tomorrow. Please keep him in prayers that the liquid diet goes by quickly.
GOOD LUCK TODAY LIZ on your second interview! Phyllis-hope today is a better day for you full of good choices. I don't think there is any one of us that can't sympathize-we all get off track at times. The important thing is you are aware of it and working on it. That's great. Michelle-hope the move to the base gets done so you can sell your house. Karen- we're missing you! Please check in when you can!!!
Hope everyone has a great day today!
Man, 5 am comes awfully early in the morning! Especially after we were buffeted with storms all night! Dang! I just want to go back to bed!!
Alissa, my talent is the same as yours. I don't know where I aquired it, but I can read upside down also! And you're right, it has come in handy a few times!! LOL! Shhhhhhhhhhh.. don't tell anyone!!
Last night Therese cooked ribs on the grill and I gotta tell you! Ummmmmmmm Ummmmmmmmm Good!! We had Collard/Mustard greens from my garden, and tomatoes from my garden and man... We be eatin!! The greens were GREAT! I now have lunches for two weeks in the freezer!! We cooked a roast the other day and put some up in the freezer for my lunches too! If I don't start getting more protein in I'm gonna be in trouble! So the cooking lately was a good thing!
I've been working at the N Carrier Annex helping the boss straighten out some files out there so I'm not driving this week. Now that Mike has retired, everyone keeps asking me if I'm going to go back up to the office! I'm like... Um... I don't know!
I must have missed the post about Liz getting another job! When did this happen and what job is she interviewing for?? I thought she just got a job?
Well, speaking of work, I guess I'd better get into the shower and get to it! Have a great day! Love ya!
Initial surgery 2006-Highest weight 305 - got down to 180
Having revision surgery soon!
Current 265 / Goal 180
"We can't all be heros. Someone has to clap for me when I walk by!"
RNY revision from lapband 7/30/07...TT/BL 10/9/08 and at GOAL
Wub yall too!!!
When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice
Hope everybody is having a good day. Well hmmm what people don't know about me. Well I can't stand for people to tell me I can't do something. so I do it and prove them wrong. I was told that the small town I lived in would never have a female as young as me on the City Council. Well not only did I win the election. I was on it for 10 years and was the Mayor Pro Tem for 8 of those years. I also was told I could not handle blood and gut and become an EMT by a jerk I once dated (he only thought guys could do it) Wrong not only did I become a EMT SS I also was tied for the highest score in the class. He was in the same class I beat
Well I do hope you guys have a good day and Liz good luck on the second interview. Debbi I hope your troubles are getting better.
I am so happy to have made it midway through the week. I am starting to get really excited about the banquet at the Isle of Capri Casino in Lake Charles coming up on June 15th. Let's just hope the dress that I have ordered works because this will make the 4th outfit that I have bought for this event. This dress needs to be "the one" or I am going to go broke trying to look cute

Happy Birthday to your son Alissa.

People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown
Initial surgery 2006-Highest weight 305 - got down to 180
Having revision surgery soon!
Current 265 / Goal 180
"We can't all be heros. Someone has to clap for me when I walk by!"
LOL! I like the dress and two pant suits that I purchased previously. Once I received and/or went home with the outfits, they just weren't going to work well with the shoes and accesories that I alreay have. However, I really liked the outfits so I've decided to keep them because two of the outfits were on clearance. And you are oh so very right, I am way too critical of myself.
Good Morning Alissa and the rest of my TMB Family,
Another night of wicked storms. Not sure what time they started but they went most of the night, and the weather alarm went off at some point telling us they were sevear. I love having that radio but it scares the daylights out of me in the middle of the night I dont like it at all! Eric had his end of the year soccer party last night and the kids had a blast. I came home and ran the vaccum and did a few things around here. He did not want me to stay at the party. Guess he is turning into a teenager and not wanting his mom around as much anymore. He has just two days left of school and gets out at 1:00 both days. Tomorrow is awards ceramony and he is getting a good citizenship award. Shhh dont tell him. Its a secret. Still no word on a house on base. I keep hoping it will be this week sometime. We have the realtor coming over tonight to visit with us a little about getting our house on the market. Really want to do it soon. Not to much on the agenda for today. I really am going to try and walk this morning even if it is just for a little bit. Will depend on how wet the park is. I guess I can do my WII if it is to wet. I have a ton of laundry to finish too. Another typical day at the Shelby's. Well guess that is about it for now. Prayers for those in need this morning. Has anyone heard from Karen? It is has been a long time since she has been around. Have a blessed day. Love you guys. Michelle