A is for.......
Acceptance - of the things I can't change - stalls, sags, wrinkles, etc. Roll with the flow of stalls, cover up and tuck in the sags and wrinkles - they do not define me as a person.
Achievement - Pounds lost to date, friends made to date and friends to be made in the future
Advocate - I don't hide the fact I've had WLS and will sit for hours and share my experience with anyone who is interested or is considering taking this life changing path.
Advice - it's what YOU people on THIS board have provided me for the last year to get to me to where I am today. (Thank you!)
Affection - is something lacking on the home front, but that's felt every single day on this board.
Aim - for the moon and grab the stars!!!
Acceptance - being a part of the TMB group and you all have welcomed me with open arms.
Attitude - well - I struggle with this one.......but I choose to have a GOOD attitude towards my journey so that I can get through another day....
Achievement - not there yet..........but I have achieved quite a bit so - far...............I will have considered achievement when I meet my goal in 50 more lbs.......thats all !!!
Advocate - I'm not sure about that....WLS is a personal decision and I dont' think that I would want to blame myself if someone did something becaue of my persuassion and then something happened to them................
Advice...I watch for advice here......I take some and I leave some..........Its our choice. .
Affection - I'm feeling more loved now than ever..................
Aim - for my goal weight and to try to figure out what goals I need to make and have...right now - the ONLY GOAL IN MY LIFE IS TO BECOME MORE HEALTHY, EXCERCISE MORE AND LOSE THAT LAST 50LBS.and to learn more about setting goals......which I have NONE !!
- Pease check out Dr. Connie Stapleton's Website. A lot of good information on there for all WLS patients regardless of the surgery you chose. Good luck to all and I'm here for you if you want to send me an email. I'll answer it as soon as possible.
- Total Lost: 139 lbs
- Current Weight: 263
- As of 11-10-13 I have had weight gain. Not happy about that.
- RNY: 10-16-07 = 338: Highest weight: 350+ Lowest Weight: 199
Amazing - how wonderful and supportive my TMB peeps can if WHEN I ASK
Acceptance - unconditionally - now matter how much I flap and slap
Attitude - it us up to me to choose my attitude - POOR ME, Passive Aggressive Patty is gone!
Achievement - Look at what I achieved by STEPPING OUT and getting on the road AND MAKING THE EFFORT TO MEET THE PEEPS. I have 100's of friends that live in my computer! Woo hoo
Advocate/Ambassador - I hope to be an ambassador of what good can come from this surgery
Advice - I will express my opinion from my experience and I will AVOID getting hurt when the other person chooses NOT to hear what I am saying.
Affection and admiration - for all those other peeps that have overcome so much to meet their goals.
Aim - I am going to aim to always be aware of the pitiful person I was before surgery, waiting for someone else to make me happy.
forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different
Acceptance - It is wonderful to feel acceptance from "everyone". People who have not been obese accept me now for who I am.
Attitude - It amazes me how my attitude toward food has changed since my surgery.
Achievement - How good does it feel to have made such massive impovement in my life since WLS.
Advocate - I am now a MAJOR advocate of WLS. I would shout it from my rooftop if I could get up there to let the world know how wonderful I feel and how it has changed my life
Advice - Advice is something that I freely give to others but I always tell them to do what their surgeon requires.
Affection - Affection is something that I get from others now. Before WLS I was like a wallflower. Now people who ignored me ( family members ) give me hugs and signs of affection.
Aim - I aim to keep going forward with my WL journey. I never reached my personal "goal" although I was within a couple of lbs of that. I aim to keep moving forward and encouraging others on their journeys.
Hugs and blessings ~~~ Vivian
Vivian Prouty Obesity Help Support Group Coach "LOSE IT 4 LIFE"
Acceptance - by people from all walks of life here on TMB
Attitude - the great attitude of determination I see here on the TMB
Achievement - To reach goal. What a feeling!
Advocate - Me. I am an advocate of WLS. Be it RNY, Lap, Sleeve. Just do something to help yourself.
Advice - That I can seek here on TMB, knowing it is just advice and the decision is ultimately mine.
Affection - from my loving wife who has a newfound attitude of affection since her WLSAffection has never been lacking in our marraige, but all I can say now is WOW!
Aim - to continue with my struggle. My goal weight became a reality almost 12 months ago. I have stayed there, largely due to my daily monitoring of my situation.
Acceptance....of myself, my REAL self.
Attitude....it will make or break you.
Achievement.....reward for your efforts.
Advocate....I advocate for OH every chance I get and share what knowledge I've gained so far with anyone interested in WLS.
Advice....I consider it gladly and probably give it too often!
Affection/Love....for my fantastic husband who is with me in this 1000%.
Aim...to be healty and happier.
Amazing; that I can really continue to work my tool and change my life for the best.
Acceptance: that I can accept my faults as well as my accomplishments
Attitude: mmm "because I can" I have lots of new found attitude over the last 6 years!!!
Achievement: I achieved my goal of losing over 100 lbs
Advocate: I have learned to be my own voice
Advice: Educate yourself about WLS..the good the bad and the ugly...
Aim: I am to make the right choices each and everyday, I aim to accomplish my goals that I have set forth
Dana~Thank you sooo much for starting these threads and being our Positive voice on TMB....I love how we are all looking at the positive side on our WLS journeys!!!
Love ya girlfriend
Attitude-better have a good one
Achievement-things I really want to do
Advocate-loving someone enough to act in their best interests
Advice-lots of it around- take what works and leave the rest
Affection- what I feel for many peeps
Aim as high as I can

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
Amazing--I am an amazing woman, regardless of what some may say
Acceptance--I accept folks for who they are instead of what they might be
Attitude--Yea, I've got one sometimes
Achievement--My greatest achievement was getting my degree at age 45 (just last year, right??)
Advocate--I have always been an advocate for women, especially those who are sexual assault survivors and battered women
Advice--sometimes I give it too freely?
Affection--sometimes I give it too freely? I am a very affectionate person
Aim--I aim high!

Amazing- This journey that I've been on for almost a year has exceeded my expectations in so many ways!!
Acceptance- Learn to accept me for who I am... and not what others think I should be
Attitude- Being positive can add years to your life while negativity sucks the life out of you….
Achievement- I’m healthy and down 125lbs!!!!!!
Advocate- I will speak to anyone who will listen about WLS and making the right decision! It isn’t a quick fix and isn’t right for everyone… but I’d like to think someone can learn from my ups and downs and make the right choice for them.
Advice- I’m full of it…. And when offered I need to take what I can from it and not be offended.
Affection- Lots of it for my family and friends… and all those who support me on my journey!!!!
Aim- always striving and working hard to reach the next level
~Paige~ -155lbs (lovin' my band)
At GOAL and BMI is healthy!!