My story - Finish the sentence:(Bored) LOL

(deactivated member)
on 5/26/09 11:41 pm
He's a hottie.....sheesh, can't you let a girl be subtle. 
Amanda Roberson
on 5/26/09 1:30 pm - Houston, TX
I agree with Sean -- the right baby daddy.. that is priceless!You are too cute! :)

151lbs lost since surgery.  36lbs pre-surgery !
Total today is = 187lbs lost !!!

on 5/26/09 1:38 pm
lol thanks. Well honestly thats why i havent had one all these years.. im weird that way :)

When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my  life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice

Lynnette S.
on 5/26/09 1:46 pm - Whitesboro, TX

Miss Liz,

You got a new car?  Bouncy 3I hope the Clampit truck is not jeolous.

Your loved!


Amanda Roberson
on 5/26/09 1:27 pm - Houston, TX

Hi, my name is...

My eyes are...

My relationship status is...
Married - 8 years today infact

I want to have kids...
I have two already both boys - ages 6 and 12.. No more for me. Will wait patiently to become a grandmother A WAY DOWN THE ROAD !!!! A LONG WAY !!!!

I wish I was:
More financially stable

Currently I am:
checking my email, responding to this and ordering my textbooks for college which starts for me this week! Thanks to Jerry W I found out I don't have to purchase but can rent them... WAY CHEAPER !!!!

I Love:
my kids, my husband,my parents, my friends,and my chosen family here on OH

Never in my life have I been to:
A lot of places, I haven't really traveled. Unless you count LA and OK. I know boring right -- plan to do more traveling after I finish college and get a better (higher paying) job.. or when kids are grown.. hah a....

My favorite animal is:
My cat when he's not tearing things up! AND FROGS -- I have an obsession with frogs.. Collect em... love em.

My favorite color(s) are:
purple, black and silver

My Pet Peeve(s):
when my kids talk

Right now, I am listening to:
Country Music --- Keith Urban

If your gonna talk smack about me:
That's fine but don't do it behind my back -- I am a big girl. You have something to say then just tell me. Not everyone will like me and I am okay with that.

When I'm nervous:
I tend to get really quiet.

The last song I listened to was:
A Keith Urban song - I am bad with the names but it was good. Before that it was Chicken Fried but not sure who sings it.

My hair is:
Falling out and really in need of some serious highlites. I see gray in the mirror... YIKES !

When I was 4:
We lived in Marshall, TX

My mom is:
One of my biggest supporters!

My Work:
I am a Corporate Accounts Payable Liason for over 75 Physical Therapists around the US....very stressing!

Last Christmas:
We spent here at our house.

I should be:
Doing laundry but the dryers broke -- have to go to the washateria at lunch tomorrow.

The happiest recent event was:
My anniversary today! And that my son got commended performance on all 3 TASKS tests! What an honor.

My current annoyance is:
My neighbor that plays his drums at 2:00 in the morning when I live in a townhouse and our walls are connected -- just happens to my bedroom which means interrupted sleep.

There's this girl I know:
Who I met at a support group (Jerry) and I love her to pieces.... she's a great person/friend.

The thing I want to buy is:
Tickets to Disney for family vacation!

Most recent thing I've bought myself was:
Protien bars - I know boring right

Most recent thing someone else bought me was:
A cute pair of ear rings - mother's day from the kids was a great present.

If I was an animal I'd be:
I would probably be a FROG !! I love em.

Yesterday I:
Spent time with family at a BBQ

Last night I was:
Tired from the pool and I feel asleep rather early. Heat got to me.

Tomorrow I am...
Working and then going to my mother's house.

Tonight I am:
Finishing this and then checking my online course board for college and going to bed, I have to get up early in the morning.

My favorite piece of jewelery is:
My wedding rings.

My favorite shoes:
My new sparkly flip flops I bought for the RYD. They are SUPER comfy.

I am looking forward to:
finishing college and making it to GOAL

The one that knows the most about me (besides family) is:
Other than family I would have to say Jerry W.

If I could tell my friends one thing it would be:
that I love them and appreciate all the support they give me on a daily basis -- you know who you are!

151lbs lost since surgery.  36lbs pre-surgery !
Total today is = 187lbs lost !!!

(deactivated member)
on 5/26/09 1:38 pm

Hi, my name is...

My eyes are...

My relationship status is...

I want to have kids...
who grow up to be independent...especially the 20 year old who JUST WON"T

I wish I was:
a nurse

Currently I am:
all alone in the computer room

I Love:
God, my family, my life

Never in my life have I been to:
a strip

My favorite animal is:
a kitten

My favorite color(s) are:

My Pet Peeve(s):
people who talk on their cell phone at inappropriate times, people with bad cubicle manners

Right now, I am listening to:
the airconditioner and my son laughing in his room

If your gonna talk smack about me:
I don't want to ever know about it

When I'm nervous:
I cry

The last song I listened to was:

My hair is:
just past my shoulders

When I was 4:
I spent all day with my mom while my sisters and brother were at school

My mom is:

My Work:
will be over after Friday.....I quit

Last Christmas:
was the last time I saw my stepson and I miss him like crazy

I should be:
taking my mom her night medications

The happiest recent event was:
church on Sunday

My current annoyance is:
my twenty year old son who JUST WON"T LEAVE

There's this girl I know:
and her brother's funeral is tomorrow in Bonham

The thing I want to buy is:
a new comforter and sheets to go with my the beds we just bought for our two girls

Most recent thing I've bought myself was:
a book

Most recent thing someone else bought me was:

If I was an animal I'd be:
a cat

Yesterday I:
worked in the garage most of the day

Last night I was:
upset with my husband

Tomorrow I am...
going to a funeral

Tonight I am:
getting ready to go to bed

My favorite piece of jewelery is:
my wedding band

My favorite shoes:
flip flops

I am looking forward to:
moving and getting on with our lives....everything is in limbo until we do

The one that knows the most about me (besides family) is:
my friend, Jessica

If I could tell my friends one thing it would be:
I love you and I'm grateful to have you because you keep me sane

Now it’s your turn to tell me YOUR story

on 5/26/09 1:50 pm
First things first, Congratulations on the engagement Nina!

Hi, my name is...

My eyes are...

My relationship status is...

I want to have kids...
I have two boys

I wish I was:
living by the beach

Currently I am:
playing on the internet

I Love:
my hubby and boys

Never in my life have I been to:

My favorite animal is:

My favorite color(s) are:
Blue and pink

My Pet Peeve(s):
constant excuses

Right now, I am listening to:
the kids hamsters making noise

If your gonna talk smack about me:
who cares, have fun

When I'm nervous:
crack my knuckles

The last song I listened to was:
I don't know

My hair is:
Mid-length I cut it yesterday

When I was 4:
I learned to ride a bike without training wheels

My mom is:
my best friend

My Work:
Is crazy

Last Christmas:
we spent to much money

I should be:

The happiest recent event was:
Watching Cutter play baseball

My current annoyance is:
I don't know I'm not annoyed really

There's this girl I know:
My niece made her confirmation today

The thing I want to buy is:
New clothes

Most recent thing I've bought myself was:
Iced Coffee from McDonalds, lol

Most recent thing someone else bought me was:
Hmmmm I don't know

If I was an animal I'd be:
A giraffe (at least I'd have long legs)

Yesterday I:
Got my hair cut and relaxed

Last night I was:
getting things ready for the work week

Tomorrow I am...
going to work and then a baseball game

Tonight I am:
about to go to bed

My favorite piece of jewelery is:
my wedding ring

My favorite shoes:
My new Asic tennis shoes

I am looking forward to:
our camping trip this weekend

The one that knows the most about me (besides family) is:

If I could tell my friends one thing it would be:
I usually tell them what I want too.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


Lynnette S.
on 5/26/09 2:12 pm - Whitesboro, TX

Hi, my name is...

My eyes are...

My relationship status is...

Married 30 years

I want to have kids...
I have 2 grown children them plus 2 grandbabies who I adore!

I wish I was: Laying on a beach somewhere with not a care in the world!

Currently I am:
Playing on the computer and watching TMZ

I Love:
My family and my dear friends from OH

Never in my life have I been to:Switzerland to see my Swiss grandbaby

My favorite animal is: Flamingos

My favorite color(s) are: Depends on if it is decorating my house or clothes. House-I like warm colors and jewel tones. Clothes I tend to like black and white

My Pet Peeve(s):Bad table manners, gum popping and smacking and people that always have something negative to say

Right now, I am listening to:
the TV

If your gonna talk smack about me: I don't really care. I know who I am and am confident who I am. And frankly I don't have the energy for the drama.

When I'm nervous:
I talk fast and too much

The last song I listened to was: Resurrection by Nicol Sponberg

My hair is: Short and sassy just like me

When I was 4:
I was so tiny that people wanted to carry me everywhere

My mom is: Very brave and very ill

My Work:
I'm unemployed and looking

Last Christmas:
was sad..............

I should be: Cleaning the kitchen

The happiest recent event was: Memorial Day with good friends and grandbabies

My current annoyance is: Not being able to snap out of this funk I'm in

There's this girl I know: hmmm

The thing I want to buy is: Patio furniture

Most recent thing I've bought myself was Sunglasses

Most recent thing someone else bought me was:

If I was an animal I'd be:
a lady bug

Yesterday I: Spent the day with friends and grandbabies

Last night I was: Feeling blessed

Tomorrow I am...going to see my Mom

Tonight I am doing laundry and packing

My favorite piece of jewelery is:
My turquoise, lapis and topez ring that I got in El Paso 15 years ago

My favorite shoes:
My black slides that I got at Sams two years ago

I am looking forward to:
 finding my joy again

The one that knows the most about me (besides family) is: My best friend Rita

If I could tell my friends one thing it would be: Live each day as it was your last, because you never know. And to make sure you pay it forward.


Vicki V.
on 5/26/09 2:16 pm - Corpus Christi, TX

Hi, my name is...

My eyes are...

My relationship status is...
Very happily married for 33 years

I want to have kids...
who have kids of their own.  Love those grandbabies!

I wish I was:
able to make my husband well.

Currently I am:
chewing Benefiber wafers

I Love:
my life

Never in my life have I been to:

My favorite animal is:
a Jack Russell Terrier name Minnie.

My favorite color(s) are:

My Pet Peeve(s):
People who complain about their lives but don't do anything to change it.

Right now, I am listening to:
The Tonight Show

If your gonna talk smack about me:
go ahead, I don't care.

When I'm nervous:
I giggle nervously.

The last song I listened to was:
What a Feeling from the Flashdance Soundtrack

My hair is:
Razor cut, short.

When I was 4
we lived with my Granny.

My mom is:

My Work:
is keeping house.

Last Christmas:
it was great to have the kids all home.

I should be:

The happiest recent event was:
spending 3 days with my daughter's family last week. 

My current annoyance is:
a bird that has nested on my patio who chirps loudly and wake me up early every morning.

There's this girl I know:
who is a great person and excellent role model.

The thing I want to buy i is
a big screen television...

Most recent thing I've bought myself was:
a tank of gasoline.

Most recent thing someone else bought me was:

If I was an animal I'd be:
a house cat.

Yesterday I:
stayed up too late considering I had to get up at 5 today.

Last night I was:
watching Battlestar Gallactica

Tomorrow I am..
planning to sleep late then go to the grocery store.

Tonight I am:
extremely tired.  It was an emotional day.  We drove to Rosenberg and back for a family funeral

My favorite piece of jewelery is
my wedding ring

My favorite shoes:
are Bjorn flip-flops

I am looking orward to:
starting a job hunt after we visit my son in Houston next week

The one that knows the most about me (besides family) is:
probably my friend Janna.

If I could tell my friends one thing it would be
You are in charge of your own life and happiness.  If you don't like your life or something about your life, you have to change it yourself.  No one else can change it for you.  


I will never quit. I persevere and thrive on adversity... If knocked down, I will get back up, every time.  – U.S. Navy SEALs

Visit my blog Grams Made It

George T.
on 5/26/09 2:19 pm - Grand Prairie, TX

Congrats Nina on the engagement and Liz on the car.

Hi, my name is...

My eyes are...

My relationship status is...
married 35 years on June 1.

I want to have kids...
leave my house when they get cranky.

I wish I was:

Currently I am:
drinking tea while I work

I Love:
my family

Never in my life have I been to:

My favorite animal is:
My greyhound

My favorite color(s) are:

My Pet Peeve(s):

Right now, I am listening to:
customers if they call in

If your gonna talk smack about me:
have a blast, if that is your thing

When I'm nervous:
I look around

The last song I listened to was:
Taxi by Harry Chapin

My hair is:
getting longer and extremely curly (I stopped using gel)

When I was 4:
I lived in NY

My mom is:
in NY and I am not

My Work:
Is wonderful.

Last Christmas:
was not as good as previous Christmas'

I should be:
doing some work

The happiest recent event was:
being at the Ballpark when the Rangers swept the Angels

My current annoyance is:

There's this girl I know:
who is psycho and I am glad she is not my wife

The thing I want to buy is:
A better computer - preferably laptop.

Most recent thing I've bought myself was:

Most recent thing someone else bought me was:
Shirt (Rangers T-shirt)

If I was an animal I'd be:
an ape

Yesterday I:
went to the Rangers game to watch them get whupped

Last night I was:

Tomorrow I am...
working, but getting one day closer to vacation

Tonight I am:

My favorite piece of jewelery is:
My wife's 

My favorite shoes:
My Rangers Crocs

I am looking forward to:
vacation on Sunday

The one that knows the most about me (besides family) is:
either Jill or Yvonne

If I could tell my friends one thing it would be:
I'm happy and healthy.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

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