Mother's Day WLS Express
my problem with glocks (besides how big n heavy they r, can work around that- it's that every glock owner that has a lab the lab has chewed on it!! and H is a big dog

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
A it is cheaper to drink at home -he is a tight wad
B drunks are funny and YOU will remember all the things you want to blackmail them with and
C if you are the driver and do it right you can make a fair amount of cash (my brother was imfamuse for stopping for gas about every 3 blocks or so and collecting gas money from his buddys LOL)
have fun at work tonight twin

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
Good morning all...I'm sitting here typing and smelling bacon. Clay is cooking me my Mother's Day breakfast of homefries, eggs and bacon, YUMMY!! When I woke up this morning he was giving me a neck massage and called me "boney", not THAT'S a great present!! Last night we went to his mother's house and visited with her. He is going back today and taking her lunch, I'm going to stay here and relax. Hailey is working cuz they're serving brunch today. She'll be home in time to have dinner with me tonight. Dinner is going to be rib-eyes, corn on the cobb and baked potatoes.
Happy Mother's Day to all the great Mom's on this board. Everyday on the train ya'll post inspirational stories that make me realize what wonderful mother's and spouses you are. Enjoy your day, you deserve it.
RNY revision from lapband 7/30/07...TT/BL 10/9/08 and at GOAL
Happy Mothers Day, Ladies.
I am so grateful to be a Mom (most times, lol) and so very grateful for every day I still have my Mom with me. It's a precious time, now more than ever. My heart hurts for those like Annette who are grieving today. My heart also wonders at times like this about the woman who gave birth to me. What is she feeling now, or is she? Hmmmm.. I am very grateful to her for giving me a wonderful life and making the most difficult choice any woman could ever make.
Not alot on the agenda today. Worked so hard around the house yesterday. After church, i will stop by HEB for a few things, then I believe it is nap time. Emm is with her Dad but i will see her at church. We will be having our Mother's Day time Thursday night with my parents and over the weekend in Galveston. I just can NOT wait. Might have to start packing today.. Yippee! I need to get out of this town and away from the stressors. I didn't realize until Friday that I have not taken a day off since January 2nd. Hope they miss me! I decided I will be taking some more Fridays and Mondays over the summer since I have so much time to take.
Prayers to so many of you hurting in so many ways. Blessings to the rest. Enjoy your day and your time with your family. It could be gone before you realize it.
forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different
Some of my friends from my online widows group are getting together in Atlanta in 3 weeks. I've been talking to them for 7 years and even though most of us are re-married, we still share just daily stuff, kid rearing stuff, etc. We're all still so close but I've never met them. I REALLY want to go but with next weekend's expenses I just don't know. I am looking at flights to Atlanta- just trying to figure out if I can go. Wish I had some frequent flyer miles but I don't fly often so of course I don't have any.
We're going to hopefully go to the Stockyards to eat and walk around. I've been wanting to go there for a while. I can't believe I haven't been in over 10 years! So, I hope the weather was nice.
Hope everyone has a fantastic day today!
Wow what a day yesterday. It was awesome. RNS was well populated and great peep time, went and got my hair cut and colored, went to Em's party, and then the biggie, went to Adam's performance at midnight!!!
Yes I slept in this morning. it was wonderful. We are going to MIL's later for Mothers Day/Birthday party. My niece has her day today. Should be fun.
Then 3 very busy days at work and we are outta here. Traveling to Galveston is going to be great!!
I am one of the ones who's Mom has passed to a better life. Knowledge in the fact that she is better off, gets me through these days. It does not take away the missing her. So to all Moms, past present and future, I love you and wish you a hug from your child. Nothing better.
A local TV stations did a text poll the other morning about what was the best Mothers Day present. It listed flowers, jewelry, gift cards etc. Not on the list was a hug. I want the hugs and time with my Kids. I want to hug my Mom. Thought that was strange.
Be Kinder than Necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
would love to be able to give all my moms hugs today n that includes u sweet Que but will settle for calling the ones I can n knowing the others r some place special

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail