Fruit Empanadas For Cinco De Mayo (Recipe)
thank you, Jill!
Good golly Ms. Molly, it's been snarky on this board the past few days. What in the world is going on. We have already lost so many and the board is like slim pickens now, especially in the evening.
Now we get folks that don't post here stirring the pot with posts that are completely irrelevant. I don't get it, but I do know why so many just spend the time of FB. where we can visit without the nastiness.
I hope and pray the conference with bring back some of the excitement and support cuz this sucks.
Good golly Ms. Molly, it's been snarky on this board the past few days. What in the world is going on. We have already lost so many and the board is like slim pickens now, especially in the evening.
Now we get folks that don't post here stirring the pot with posts that are completely irrelevant. I don't get it, but I do know why so many just spend the time of FB. where we can visit without the nastiness.
I hope and pray the conference with bring back some of the excitement and support cuz this sucks.
forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different
Really, the only thing that would make this recipe better would be to wrap the whole thing in bacon and deep fry it. *kidding, kind of*
There is no way to accomodate everyone's food intolerances on a message board. Even within our various surgery types, they vary too much. Lactose intolerant, anyone? Any vegetarians? The only thing that makes me uncomfortable is flour.
But, the world is not going to adjust itself to accomodate all of our individual eating requirements. If you can't handle being in the presence of a cupcake, what you need is therapy. Or just expect to spend the rest of your life cranky at everyone. The world, even the post-WLS world, is not going to give up cupcakes to suit you.
Paul listed some suggestions for altering the recipe at the bottom of his post. That's more than I would have done. I'd have figured that everyone would already have learned ways to adjust recipes to their particular needs. Short of that, the only recipe that could safely be posted would be a plate of raw broccoli spears.
There is no way to accomodate everyone's food intolerances on a message board. Even within our various surgery types, they vary too much. Lactose intolerant, anyone? Any vegetarians? The only thing that makes me uncomfortable is flour.
But, the world is not going to adjust itself to accomodate all of our individual eating requirements. If you can't handle being in the presence of a cupcake, what you need is therapy. Or just expect to spend the rest of your life cranky at everyone. The world, even the post-WLS world, is not going to give up cupcakes to suit you.
Paul listed some suggestions for altering the recipe at the bottom of his post. That's more than I would have done. I'd have figured that everyone would already have learned ways to adjust recipes to their particular needs. Short of that, the only recipe that could safely be posted would be a plate of raw broccoli spears.

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DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"
Spot on, Kel. And has anyone ELSE heard the phrase "everything in moderation"??? We can make these for dessert when we're having company, yanno, for OTHER people to eat. We can have a few bites of things like this on occasion. We don't have to live completely without sweets for life. And if you don't want to make it, DON'T.
And if AttyPaul wants to post it here, he's doing nothing more than the Food Network does. Does Paul in Dallas want to write them a letter, too, telling them to take Paula Deen off the air because she cooks with too much fat and sugar? What about all of the other networks who regularly air ads for cookies and cake mixes and cupcakes and doughnuts??? Such treats just can't be found NEAR us, we can't be EXPOSED to them in any way, lest our fragile little minds and our weak wills just SNAP under the pressure - RIGHT???
I don't know about Paul in Dallas, but I have a bit more self control than THAT. I have somehow managed to avoid smoking crack - despite all the drug dealers in the world - and I'll avoid the imminent doom of these "death in a wrapper" fruit empanadas, too (although they sound scrumptious) - because I have the personal fortitude to do so. What I don't need is for all the chefs and bakers in the world to stop advertising their wares to protect ME.
And if AttyPaul wants to post it here, he's doing nothing more than the Food Network does. Does Paul in Dallas want to write them a letter, too, telling them to take Paula Deen off the air because she cooks with too much fat and sugar? What about all of the other networks who regularly air ads for cookies and cake mixes and cupcakes and doughnuts??? Such treats just can't be found NEAR us, we can't be EXPOSED to them in any way, lest our fragile little minds and our weak wills just SNAP under the pressure - RIGHT???
I don't know about Paul in Dallas, but I have a bit more self control than THAT. I have somehow managed to avoid smoking crack - despite all the drug dealers in the world - and I'll avoid the imminent doom of these "death in a wrapper" fruit empanadas, too (although they sound scrumptious) - because I have the personal fortitude to do so. What I don't need is for all the chefs and bakers in the world to stop advertising their wares to protect ME.
I believe Liz was referring to the fact that the cupcakes were brought to a support group meeting. You know... the thing where we all sit around and SUPPORT each other? Not tempt each other. And I am the only person in the group that is non- wls so who exactly was she advertising too?? AND, 99% of the people in our group are very sugar and carb intolerant.
Anyway, this isn't the R&R board FF. Please go back over there and stop stirring things up over here.
Anyway, this isn't the R&R board FF. Please go back over there and stop stirring things up over here.
If you're going to get nasty, Michelle, at least know what you're talking about. I didn't reply TO Liz or even ABOUT Liz - whoever that is. I replied TO GoodKel ABOUT the original poster and Paul in Dallas. I don't have the foggiest clue why you think I was talking about anyone else, especially since I used the names of the people I addressed. You misunderstood and got defensive. Leave me out of it.
So get over yourself and lose the attitude.
So get over yourself and lose the attitude.
On May 4, 2009 at 6:16 PM Pacific Time, meggieintx wrote:
Hijack!!Where did you get the picture of Alan Rickman in your siganature line? What is it about? You Me Table?? I am a huge fan and haven't seen this before!!
I took it to mean him throwing me on the table and having me for dinner....

I copied the post to my profile if you'd like to go back to Sept/Oct/Nov 2007. There aren't many posts back then so it shouldn't be hard to find.
I adore him, too. But, I'm willing to share.

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DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"
On May 4, 2009 at 8:52 PM Pacific Time, Kris M. wrote:
The broccoli wouldn't work...I'd be offended because I can't eat it as a's one of the few things I get stuck on!!!! LMAOOOOOOOO!Now, wrap it in bacon and fry it up and I'd try it anyway to say I did!! LMAO!!
I stand corrected.

I wonder if there even is a single food that is universally tolerated. Probably not.

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DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"