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on 8/23/11 11:24 pm - Knoxville, TN
Topic: NSV
Hello Everyone. Today is a great day. I have been ciggie free for 6 days!! I am so proud of myself. On the other hand I am finding I am grazing most of the day. I have lost 16 lbs so far and am not having WLS till late this year. I try to keep hands busy but idle time gets me in trouble. But I am smoke free today.

May the wind always be at your back and the shinning sun be on your face.

on 8/23/11 2:41 pm - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
Topic: RE: Dr. Houston and adopting patients
Well,he is right isn't he? you said yourself that you are eating things you shouldn't and need to get back on track. that is most likey why he feels like your pouch is fine,but you are misusing it...you know, user error. :)

I did not use him but would hve if there had not been an exclusion on my insurance for WLS. I have read from other patients of his that he thinks it is very important for patients to be compliant with the program, aaaand ddoesn't have a lot of patience for those who are not but I don't know that first hand.





on 8/23/11 7:06 am
Topic: RE: Parkwest Medical center---Payments?
Thanks for all the replies.

I guess I was not completly clear.  I know I will have a copay and several hundred in co-insurance to pay.  I was just wondering if they require all that money up front (their estimate) or do they go ahead and file the insurance and bill you for your portion?

Thanks again everyone!

Generic User_Name
on 8/23/11 7:00 am
Topic: RE: Parkwest Medical center---Payments?
 Agree with the others.  It depends on what your insurance does or does not cover.  I have used Covenant Health System entities in the past and they have not had any problem with setting up payment plans.

Generic User_Name
on 8/23/11 6:57 am
Topic: RE: Around knoxville going to OH in NO?
 Not in the budget this year!!!!!!  Maybe in the future.

Generic User_Name
on 8/23/11 6:51 am
Topic: RE: TN DS'ers
 Besides Kelly, you already paid for all those visits when you paid your Program Fee so why not go to those appts.

Generic User_Name
on 8/23/11 6:49 am
Topic: RE: TN DS'ers
 My wife (southernlady5464) had a virgin DS with Dr. Boyce.  The only complication she has had was gall bladder issues that required surgery to remove it.  She saw Dr. Boyce at the initial consult, the day of surgery, and at her gall bladder consult, and the day of her gall bladder surgery.

She was seen by his staff (bariatric nurse, NUT, exercise physiologist) at other appointments.

Hope that helps.

on 8/23/11 5:39 am - Oak Ridge, TN
Topic: RE: TN DS'ers
I had the DS a year ago with Dr. Boyce in Knoxville. I'm not a revision and do not know if he does revisions. I did attend the Knoxville seminar. I can also tell you that the times I've been to the office for visits I haven't seen him any. Well, with the exception of a month out when I had complications. I saw him quite a bit then. Since I've been 'ok' though, I haven't seen him one bit. There's really no need to though. I have my bloodwork drawn every 3 mths and speak to the nutritionist and exercise girl and that's all I really need. (actually, I don't even need the nutritionist/exercise visits, I just go to them because they schedule them automatically).

 ~Kelly ~   
SW 364/CW 164/GW 150             


on 8/23/11 4:50 am - Knoxville, TN
Topic: RE: Almost 5 months out
Did I read this right? You are almost 100 lbs down since March? Wonderful!!! ok for someone whom has not had the sleeve yet..What is your best tip you can give? Please do share.

May the wind always be at your back and the shinning sun be on your face.

on 8/23/11 3:00 am - Henderson, KY
Topic: RE: Dr. Houston and adopting patients
Yes it is easier said than done.  haha!  But I will try and I'll have a list to bring with me the next time.  I get mouthier every year too but not with someone in authority.  :)  But I AM paying him and driving too far to be spending only 5 mins with him and getting chewed out the entire 5 mins. lol  I think he's trying to prepare me for a revision but he hasn't come out and said it.
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