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Tammy C.
on 1/2/13 9:22 am
Topic: 2013: 20 Funny New Year's Resolutions

2013:  20 Funny New Year's Resolutions

When it comes to New Year's resolutions, our family members and friends can get quite creative and even funny with what they resolve to do in the New Year.  Here a few good ones I have heard along the way...Oh, and a few of my own!

1.  I resolve to stop procrastinating about procrastinating!

2.  I will stop sending Facebook messages and emails to my loved ones when they are in the same room as I am!

3.  I will use my treadmill for something other than a place to hang my jacket.

4.  I will not sit at the kitchen table in my PJ's all day.  Instead, I will move my computer to my bedroom.

5.  I vow to never take a laxative and a sleeping pill on the same night!

Click here to read more!

All my best, 

Tammy Colter
Director of Media & PR
OH Magazine
on 12/31/12 8:09 am - portland, TN
Topic: Up for adoption ?
Im 10 years out from gastric bypass and looking for a doctor to adopt me as their pt. I would like to just get everything checked and possibly plAstic surgery due to constant skin irritation... Any help would be appreciated and by the way Vanderbilt an centennial will not accept patients from other dr... And unfortunately the dr that did mine no longer does it....
on 12/31/12 3:12 am, edited 12/31/12 3:12 am
Topic: RE: Best lap band surgeons in Nashville?

If I had to choose something besides the one I chose (the DS), I would have gone with the VSG (the sleeve). I was NOT about to touch the lapband with a hundred foot pole. Even my PCP would not have agreed to my having the lapband. He was ON board with my DS.

An article to read: Quality of life after sleeve gastrectomy and adjustable gastric banding

Many, many surgeons are no longer even doing the lapband due to problems. The sleeve is a far better option in their eyes.

And the lapband was NEVER intended to be only has a 10 year life span.

If you are considering the least invasive part...ALL WLS is invasive. Is putting in a band and a port any less invasive than any other? Esp when you chance slippage, erosion, etc from the band. You may be in the percentage that doesn't have issues or is able to lose all your excess but please be aware of the problems before making a final decision.



Duodenal Switch (Lap) 01-24-11 | Surgeon: Stephen Boyce | High weight: 250 in 2002 | Surgery weight: 203 | Lowest weight: 121 | Current weight: 135 | Goal weight: 135


on 12/16/12 11:08 pm - TN
Topic: RE: Best lap band surgeons in Nashville?

Thanks for your input!  I have pretty much already chosen Dr. H and the DS... but then something keeps nagging at me about the RNY.  I've got 3 months at least before I can do all of this, so I've got time to do some research and decide.  I've been reading the boards for the last week or so and am thrilled at the information shared here. 

Like everyone else on here, I have been overweight or actually morbidly obese my entire life.  I had thought about doing a MD assisted program on a liquid diet.  I feel like I could lose the weight that way, but I'm guessing as soon as I started eating normal foods that I would gain it right back.  I have gained and lost probably thousands of pounds over my lifetime.  I have been healthy overall for these 42 years of my life, but I've started noticing that I'm having to take Motrin almost every day (one or two doses) because my body aches (probably from carrying all of this weight!) And my BP has started to go up on occasion.  If I want to have any quality of life, I feel this is the only option. 


on 12/16/12 2:35 am
Topic: RE: Best lap band surgeons in Nashville?

I am over 4 years post-op from my DS surgery with Dr. Houston.  I am extremely pleased with my outcome and results these past 4 years.  Please spend some time on the DS, RNY, and revision forums.  Although you know best what you're like in terms of health, compliance, and after surgery life style,for me it was DS or nothing.

I respect all of the surgeons at Centennial.  They are skilled and personable.  At this time, though, Dr. Houston is the only one doing the DS.  Words almost fail me at recommending him, he's that good.  If for some reason your insurance doesn't allow you to go to Centennial, Dr. Spaw @ Baptist is also highly respected. 

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."  Stephen Covey

Don't litter!  Spay or neuter your pet

Tammy Davis
on 12/14/12 4:03 pm - Cookeville, TN
Topic: RE: Gastric Sleeve on December 11

That is what I am hoping to have as well. Good luck on your journey.

on 12/14/12 5:30 am - TN
Topic: RE: Best lap band surgeons in Nashville?

I am considering Dr. Houston for a DS as well.  I'm assuming that since you said it was super easy surgery and recovery that you are happy with Centennial and Dr. Houston....

Any info you could share with me would be great!  I am not familiar with the doctors in this area and would like your opinion of him if possible.  How are your results with the DS?  I am bouncing back and forth between a DS and RNY...

on 12/6/12 3:59 am, edited 12/6/12 3:59 am
Topic: RE: Best lap band surgeons in Nashville?

Dr. Olsen did my sleeve surgery at Centennial Women's Center.  I am two weeks post op.  I have been very impressed with Dr. Olsen, the women's hospital and Dr. Olsen's staff.  If you go to their website they have info on all their doctors, payments, before and aftercare.  They also have an online seminar you can watch that is very informative.

on 11/26/12 3:15 am - TN
Topic: RE: Best lap band surgeons in Nashville?

I'm a patient at Centennial.  BE sure you look just not at the cost of surgery, but the aftercare as well.  After surgery to insure long term success you will need support groups, follow ups, etc.  I started out looking at the lap band but switched to the sleeve for a lot of reasons, both medical and aftercare related.


I would suggest that you go to one of the free informational sessions at any of the clinics, hear what the surgeons have to say, and then make a decision on both the clinic and the procedure.  At Centennial we encourage pre-op patients to attend support groups as well and ask questions of other patients.  


Check out

 160 lbs lost. Surgeons Goal Reached in 33 weeks.  My Goal in 37 Weeks.

VSG: 11/2/2011; LBL+Thigh Lift+BL: 10/3/2012; Brach+Mastopexy:  7/22/2013

on 11/26/12 3:12 am - TN
Topic: RE: Gastric Sleeve on December 11



What part of the state are you in?  

 160 lbs lost. Surgeons Goal Reached in 33 weeks.  My Goal in 37 Weeks.

VSG: 11/2/2011; LBL+Thigh Lift+BL: 10/3/2012; Brach+Mastopexy:  7/22/2013

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