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on 5/14/13 3:01 am - TN
Topic: RE: Any old folks still around?

I am new to the Tennessee board, I moved here in December, my surgery was Dec. 2003 and my lowest weight was 143.  For me it was not about the was the size.  All I ever wanted was to be a 10.  I happily got there.  5 years ago I started battling a weight gain and now I am at 196.  50 pounds more than I would like to be.  I need support and I am glad to give it too!



on 5/14/13 1:33 am - TN
Topic: HELLO

Hi, I'm Lisa....I had RNY in Dec 2003.  I Lost 145 pounds in a little over 1 year.  I reached my goal of wearing a size 10 and maintained until 5 years ago, slowly as I changed my habits and regimen the weight came back.  I am now 196....that's a 50 pound gain for me.  It's time for me to get back on track.  So I'm here....back where it all began.   In 2003 I found this website and was on here daily receiving and giving support.  Swearing I would "NEVER BE FAT AGAIN"  So I'm starting over....asking for help, asking for support.  Thanks for reading this...Blessings,


Lisa M.

on 4/24/13 7:22 am - TN
Topic: RE: Vitamin Refresher Needed...

Call the office or e-amil pam helmlinger at Centennial and they will help you out.  Have you had your blood test to check you levels?

 160 lbs lost. Surgeons Goal Reached in 33 weeks.  My Goal in 37 Weeks.

VSG: 11/2/2011; LBL+Thigh Lift+BL: 10/3/2012; Brach+Mastopexy:  7/22/2013

on 4/20/13 4:08 am, edited 4/20/13 4:48 am - Madison, TN
Topic: Any old folks still around?

It's been too long since I've been here. Needed some inspiration and motivation and also wanted to go back to where it all began.  Right here....  If you know me and you're an 'oldie' from 2006-2008... Post a little something!

Life has been pretty good to me. I was married in September, and it was the happiest day of my entire life! But more recent in December my father passed away. It was devastating.  I am so thankful he was at the wedding and we celebrated together. I have wonderful pictures to reminisce with.  

And for those asking or wondering about me... I had RNY in October 2006. My highest recorded weight was 251 but i know it was higher than that. My lowest after surgery was 116, doctors goal for me was 140. I feel best at 125 but that weight was very difficult for my body to maintain. Ive been 140 for several years and my body has been through lots of adjustments and shifts.

I'm currently 148 lbs which is 8 pounds over my acceptable weight (the goal I have kept in vigilance).  So I have gone back to the basics in order to get these pounds off, plus a few more if I am willing to stick with it.     Nice to check in again and hope to see a few familiar faces.


on 4/16/13 8:52 am - nashville, TN
Topic: RE: Support Needed

i haven't been to a meeting in yrs but i use to go to one held at Vanderbilt you may want to check with different hospitals that do the surgery and see where they tell their patients to go to hope you find the help u are looking for.enlightened

on 4/16/13 8:46 am - nashville, TN
Topic: RE: Advice help or just lend an ear

its been almost 9 yrs for me and i understand i have gone from 335 day of surgery down to 175 and now 200 . im walking more and going to get me some new hand weights. my problem is getting the protein in i still dump easy and aloft of the drinks make me sick. have you tried upping the amount of protein u take in and dont forget alof of water. a problem im also having is keeping up with my vitamins how are u doing with those???

on 4/16/13 6:46 am
Topic: RE: TennCare determination on Bariatric Surgery

hi i was wondering about the bariactric surgery, how long does it take to get approval from tenn care

on 4/15/13 2:50 am
Topic: Vitamin Refresher Needed...

Hello all,

I am 4 years out of surgery my Dr. was Dr. Dyer and I need a vitamin refresher. I have always taken some, but it's been a long time since I have probably taken the right amounts and don't remember what not to take with what or with coffee or not with coffee... Any of the new folks or Pam if your still around feel like reminding me?


Thanks all!

on 4/14/13 10:12 am - mt juliet, TN
Topic: RE: Dr. Houston and adopting patients

H, I just read your post I have him also and I fell the same way. I have put on almost all my weight that I lost and the more I put on the more I get depressed and so on. I am to ashamed to go back and see him. I never have had that full felling  like my friends and 2 daughters. I cry about it all the time just don't no what to do. Thanks I could say alot more but have to go. Thanks 

on 4/12/13 11:36 am - TN
Topic: Support Needed

New to TN and new to this group.

I had my RNY 10 years ago thing I ever did. As a lover of gourmet food and cooking I have not had issues dealing with dietary restrictions....until now at age 39 out of the blue I develop Type 1 diabetes [runs in family] and now I am having issues mentally finding my diet and food regime more restrictive and mentally hard to manage all day every day every week every month. I get so tired thinking/planning around food every minute of the day.

Have passed out a couple of times after 1-2 drinks due to the mix of insulin, sugar and lack of food volume. Seems I am finding it now a struggle at my "unfair" lifestyle. Food was my friend. Food binges were my stress reliever. Now I look like a drunk after one glass of wine due to the increase/decrease rollercoaster of blood sugar.

I haven't been to a support group since I reached my goal weight [250-135] but I think I need to talk to people who understand. Even my diabetes Dr doesn't understand cause I am his first patient with Type 1 + bypass.

Does anyone know of any support groups around the Nashville/Franklin area? People who have never medicated themselves with food can't understand and so I feel I can help others whilst helping myself talking about these issues which come up for a lot of us.

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