Finished my six-month doctor weight charting today!!!YAY!
I had started going in for monthly weight checks/discussions to be on the safe side back in November when I was just beginning to consider surgery thanks to what I'd learned here on the boards, so when I was denied in March, it wasn't a big shock that they wanted me to have six-months of recent weight loss history attemps with a physcian. I'd have been done in April, but a bout of mono and a field trip to NYC pushed my weight check visit to today.
I also had my dietician visit that they insisted upon, so files are being copied and my GP is writing a letter rec'ing me for the surgery (I changed docs, so this will be letter #2). I'm going to start writing my OWN letter to send in as well to back up this one-I can't afford to be denied yet again. I really need to have this done in June or July due to work schedule.
Fingers crossed. All of the Cigna customer service people have been very positive and supportive, but of course, they have nothing to do with approval.
Hi Kim. Congrats on finishing your 6 month diet. It looks like you have everything in order and should be approved. Keep me updated. It seems as if you and me are in the same boat and I would like to know how your approval goes. I also have Cigna and I am going through Vanderbilt and finished my 6 Month diet yesterday on May 2nd. I was denied last November/December by Cigna until I completed this diet. I should have everything submitted to Cigna by the end of this week or Monday at the latest (depending on how quick Vandy will be). I wrote a personal letter this time too. I hope that helps! I believe Vandy still has surgery open dates in the middle of June so I hope we can get approved soon enough to have it in June. I am ready to find out if Cigna is going to approve or not. If not, I am not sure what excuse they can come up with this time. Like you, I did everything they asked and needed of me. The only thing they could deny me for is not losing enough weight during my 6 month diet. I am worried about that but right now it is the treaded waiting game and out of my hands. With any luck and the grace from abve, you and I will be losers very soon!