Fat or not Fat enough?
Hi Everyone,
I'm posting this message b/c I have a concern with what being fat enough means. I've been telling my co-workers (probably my first mistake) about being approved for surgery. Well, some folks first response is..."You're going to do what?? Have Gastric Bypass??? Why, you're not big enough for that!"
Should I be concernd? I've actually gained weight since I started the application process in November. I now weigh 240lbs. Apparently, I don't look like I weigh that much or everyone else is just pulling my leg. For me, 240 is a heck of a lot of weight for someone my age with 2 small kids wanting to do nothing but RUN all day long. I'm at the point now where a regular diet of weigh****chers or south beach isn't going to do the trick for me. I need major help and that is why I started researching this procedure. I think this is a personal decision that you have to make on your own. I went to my pcp and my BMI was 41.3. Yes, it may not be as high as others but I'm sure not going to wait til it gets to that point b/c people think I'm not fat enough.
Sorry to rant...Please share your thoughts. What is "fat enough"?
Are you "fat enough"?
Is being at your current weight interfering with your life?
Your daily activities?
Is it causing you health problems?
Is it putting you at higher risk for health problems in the future?
Will losing weight help cure/relieve those problems?
Or lessen the risks of developing them?
If you can answer yes to these then you are "fat enough".
You and your doctor have discussed it and are a candidate and only you can make the decision if you are "fat enough" to have surgery. It sounds like you are ready to do it.
Next time someone make a comment that you are not "fat enough" for surgery, ask them when they would consider you "fat enough". How much more weight do you need to gain before they think you are "fat enough"? How many more weight-related problems do you need to have?
Remember, there will always be someone out there who will tell you that you shouldn't have surgery for whatever reason. Ignore them and make your own decision with your doctor and do it for you so you can live your life on your terms and enjoy life with your kids as they grow up.
I've personally chosen not to tell anyone except for immediate friends and family that I'm having surgery just because of that. During the beginning stages (during my 6 mo. dr. supervised diet) I joined a local YMCA and I started going to a water aerobics class. I struck up a conversation with a lady about gastric bypass and she was so taken aback by the fact that I wanted to have this surgery, claiming how dangerous it was and how a cousin of her sister's next door neighbor died from it and blah blah blah. And I got the same comments from my husband's best friend...So because of this, I've only told a very few select people. I only have 7 co-workers and their more like family so they know. I'd rather not listen to it and then have to defend my decision...totally not worth it. One of my co-workers did say he thought that I wasn't "large enough" for it... I'm tipping the scales at 350 if not more!
You are considered a "lightweight" in the bariatric surgery arena. Personally, it is really hard for me to fathom undergoing such a drastic sugery at that weight or lighter. I'd probably seriously consider the lap-band over the bypass. I would probably be happy at 240, but that is just my opinion.... and I'm not living in your shoes
Ultimately, it is YOUR choice and don't let anyone try to talk you out of it or change your mind.
I hope I didn't offend you in any way... I truly wish you the best of luck!