I have the results
Hi my friends, I won't be having the surgery after all. I start chemo tomorrow, at first Iwill be on pills, then if I don't get regulated, I will have to go on shots or chemo treatment.
The leukemia I have is referred to Rare. It's called Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia. It is malignant. I am in the advanced stage so having a bone marrow transplant is out of the question. I don't know how I am supposed to feel, but at the moment I feel numb. My emotions are so out of whack, I don't know if I'm to be angry, cry, scream, but I am do know I am terrified. The Oncologist says I could go by 4 months, unless I can go into remission, but that would only buy me about 3 years. Please keep me and my family in your daily prayers.
Thank you so very much Kathy
on 8/24/05 10:24 am
on 8/24/05 10:24 am
oh Kathy...how I hate to hear this news.
My heart is breaking for you so bad. I so wish there was something I could do for you hon.
I read a saying on here on the main board the other night that I know will be with me forever more...
"If God leads you to it...he will lead you through it "
I can't sit here tonight and say that I am a christian, but I believe this saying with all my heart.
Please don't hesitate to call on me if you need someone to talk to. I will be there for you Kathy...
Much love to you and yours,
You are in my prayers...I'm so sorry you didn't get the news you wanted.
Not to minimize your problem, but I know a little girl with a rare leukemia (15 cases a yr.) and she has been in remission 16 mos. now after her parents being told at 1 time that she wouldn't make it thru the night, and other times they were told to start getting arrangements made.
There is always hope....keep fighting.
First let me sy that it's OK to feel all those emotions and don't hold them inside - let it all out. God hears you cry and feels your tears. I know he will take care of you and your family in this time of need. If there is anything I can do, please let me know. As I told you earlier, my mother had advanced stage breast cancer metastisize to her brain and lungs but she lived life to the fullest and did everything she always wanted to do and never wanted anyone to feel sorry for her. She was at peace with everything and would actually get upset when I didn't think I could deal with it anymore. She always said, Turn everything over to GOD and let Him carry your burdons on his shoulders! She was a powerful woman and you remind me so much of her. Stay strong and I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Your friend,
Hi, I want to say thank you to everyone for their prayers, friendship, and love that you have sent to me. I so appreciate each and every one on this board. I am almost 52 with major cor-mobilities, I no longer have an immune systen strong enough to fight this. That's why even the gastric surgery works better for younger people then it does for us older ones. I haven't given up and I will continue to fight until the fight is over. Please just be here for me when I need to vent, to cry, or just need a friend. I will continue to post, but having my dream of losing this weight will never come. I ask each and everyone to please fight, don't give up when the insurance denies you. Fight for your right to have a better life. You can always take it to court, one did and the insurance had to pay for her surgery in Knoxville. So there is hope for y'all. Fight for me, let me live my dream thru you.
Thank you with much love, Kathy