What brand of protein drink???
Hey Gloria-
I am almost one week post op and I was given Abb Pure Pro when I was in the hospital- it was too sweet, too thick and I had trouble getting one bottle down. When I got home, I had already chosen Isopure and you can get it at GNC- try to catch it on sale and it is not too expensive (I got it for $3.50 bottle and then took 25% off) If you join GNC gold club, you get everything 20% off the first week of every month.
Anyway- I liked the Isopure the best. In fact, I am sipping right now on some. All the flavors have been okay- it is better when I dilute it with a little crystal light (it makes it a little less dry). Any other questions, please feel free to ask- that's why we are here!!
My favorites are...
~Low Carb Slim-Fast, 190 calories/20 g. protein, creamy chocolate, ready to drink.
~GNC, Cookies N Cream Flavor, 150 calories/25 g. protein... good with plain ol water or milk.
~GNC, Banana Flavor, 130 calories/25 g. protein.... Again, good with plain ol water or milk.
I also suggest that you try to get your protein from foods, such as yogurt, milk, cottage cheese. Dairy foods are good for us, in many ways!
Heck, I think I've become the Yogurt Princess! I've tried every flavor out there and my favorite is always Kroger Brand, Pineapple and Raspberry.
Good luck,
Hello Gloria,
I have bought and tried many many different proteins until I finally found one that tastes good and mixes really smoothly. The one I drink all the time now is CHAMPION NUTRITION PURE WHEY PROTEIN STACK..it comes in all sorts of flavors but I like chocolate, strawberry, banana, and vanilla.
I mix one scoop with 8oz skim milk..with the strawberry and banana i mix half and half for a different flavor..or mix 4oz skim milk, 4oz unsweetened orange juice with my vanilla and a little crushed ice and its like an orange julius. I buy it online from vitalady.com for $20 for 2lb jugs..cheapest I have seen anywhere. I bought the GNC cookies and cream and only drank one shake and didn't like it..it costed me $40 for the same size jug.
Everyone likes different things tho so hard to say what you might like. I wish you the best in your searching.