Today's Quote
The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
-Walter Bageho
Thank you all so much for the prayers, support, and well wishes. Last night's disappointment was more then I could have handled after a very hectic week. After doing a lot of crying and feeling sorry for myself, I went to bed. I got the best 7 hours of sleep that I've had in a week. I woke up this morning and while ready my email, that quote was in my box. I am ready to start the fight all over again. The one thing I will not do and that is to take one more Psych test, to determine if I to have surgery or not. So anyone out there who has a Dr. who uses a psych that just talks to you, please send me name and phone #. Thank you all for your help and support.
Much love to all, Kathy
So very glad to hear you are not giving up. Trust me. I know about being let down and the struggles with trying to get this surgery. (read my profile for details). I have been trying to get this done for 2 and 1/2 years. Been thru 2 insurance companies (on my 3rd now) and all kinds of Drs. and tests done. I hope I am finally on the right journey now and that I will be having surgery sometime in the summer (I hope and pray). I have no idea how far you are from Memphis or how you could get there but the psych I saw was Edward Amos 521-9671. He was great there was no test and he just listened to me. He asked some questions but nothing horrible. He is a doctor who specializes in obesity psych so he really understands. I was comfortable with him and would go back to him if I ever need to after the surgery with any mind problems I might have about the weight loss. Hope all goes well and don't ever give up.