
post-op pain

Kerri L.
on 10/30/04 3:27 pm - Daytona Beach, FL
Hi, I have a surgery date of 12/6 and this board has been very helpful with most of my questions and fears. I was wondering about pain levels after surgery, right after surgery and the days afterward. I'm not scared...just want to be prepared for what's ahead. Thanks! Kerri
on 10/30/04 11:51 pm - Chattanooga, TN
Pain depends on your pain tolerence. I had open RNY. I opted for a central line instead of an epidural. I had surgery at 10am and by 11pm I was doing my "walk" I did four laps around the floor. At that point I was still hooked up to a morphine pump. I wasn't feeling any pain and I never had to push the button to give me more. When I was two days post op they stopped the continious morphine and left it to where I could push the button if needed every 10 min. I never once had to pu**** The pain I had was more of a discomfort sort than just out right pain. I also tried to tolerate as much as I could so I could be off of the pain meds ASAP so I could start driving and doing regular activities. When I went home I was given a script for liquid lortab. I had it filled and took one dose of it. Thats it. The worse discomfort pain I had was about 1.5 weeks out because my incision was healing very well and actually had begun to imbed some of the staples and had forced two of them out. Hope this helps. *huggles*
on 10/31/04 8:06 am - Murfreesboro, TN
I hurt real bad! The pain med they gave me in the Hospital was good, but it didn't help much when I had to get out of the bed and walk. Couldnt walk far. I also was 378 lbs. That sometimes makes a difference, what you weigh and what kind of problems you had before you went in. The first week I was home I had liquid Lortab and didnt need it the second week. I hurt but I could tolorate it. I hope that gives some idea. It's hard to determine, because everyone is different. Sheila
on 10/31/04 9:38 am - Chattanooga, TN
Yeah thats true thats also why it also depends on a persons pain threshold. I was 362 when I went in for surgery. However my only prior medical conditions were asthma and sleep apnea. Im also rather young. I was 27 when I had my surgery done.
on 10/31/04 11:12 pm - Arlington, TN
well haveing just finished my first week post op I can say the pain was not all that bad. of course the first day is hell not so much because of the pain but because of the pure discomfort. believe me thre can be no comfort or rest gotten in a hospital. but the second day you will feel 200% better than the day before. the only actual pain from surgery I had was the crunching of the abdomen when trying to get out of bed or get out of a chair, that is because your muscles whcih have here to for been holding up your fat have been cut and will need to mend. it is bearable pain and not longlasting. and you need to be moving and getting up and down so the muscles can be worked and stretched. At one week out I still have the crunching pain but not nearly as severe . the only actual pain which bordered on severe came when I overate or ate too fast on my 5th day. that pain lasted a good 4 hours and did require me to take a pain med. not only that it taught me a very severe lesson. dont over eat and dont eat too fast. I immediatly went back to liquids and will try pureed again this week. good luck.
Kerri L.
on 11/1/04 9:56 am - Daytona Beach, FL
Thanks everyone for replying. I'm 300 lbs and I consider myself young-ish (36) with no health problems other than obesity. I've made it through pleurisy, knee surgery and a partial thyroidectomy but I guess I am just getting butterflies about this.
on 11/1/04 10:45 am - LaVergne, TN
Kerri, I had open RNY on the 19th and went home after 3 days but then had to be readmitted due to not being able to keep anything down. I had a g-tube placed my second admission so that was another procedure to add to my surgery. The pain is not unbearable, even with the gagging and dry heaves I had early on. My two biggest complaints 13 days out are my staples itch like hell and I can't get comfortable to sleep on my side yet. Kelly
on 11/1/04 11:06 pm - Arlington, TN
ahhh kelly this helps me see , I was wondering why you had a G tube from the first surgery. my 6 small incisions itch like crazy right now mainly because my chest hair is growing back under the bandages and I can't scratch it. I hope you are over the nausea and dry heaves, there is nothing worse than dry heaves. my early gagging from the damage to my uvula was the worse for me as it of course puls the very muscles that have been cut. still keeping you in my prayers. Joe
on 11/2/04 1:02 am - LaVergne, TN
Joe, You are a dear. I wish I could say I was over my nausea, but not so yet; and the dry heaves have grown into throwing up whatever I take in (sorry for those of you who are squeamish). Kelly
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