tube is a pain!!!
hi there i dont know if it hurts or not but i wish u the best i hope it dont hurt i was wondering how u liked dr wright that is who i am hoping to use if the ins approves it i got a consult with him on dec 8th would you let me know how you liked him and how the rooms and nurses are at vanderbilt best wishies on getting your tube out hugs kristie
I won't lie to you, YES it is painful. My suggestion is have someone drive you and take some pain meds when they drive into the parking lot of the doc's office. It will literally take your breath away, but when it is out it is so nice not to have that thing in your way. Showering and all is much easier. Good luck to you and keep us posted on your progress.
The pain or discomfort will vary from one person to the next.
I will not lie either....
I had two drains from an abdominal
surgery and when they were removed, it did NOT hurt at all.
The nurse told me to take a deep breath and she pulled it.
I was surprised to see it out so easily. She then did the same
thing with the other side and they were both gone with NO PAIN.
So---just go into it with a positive attitude and yes, take some
advil or aleve or prescription pain medicine before going, but don't
go all nervous and tense--thus causing your muscles to tense up
and making the removal more difficult.
It is nothing that is unbearable and drains are removed in doctor's
offices every day....they would not do it like they do if it were
big risk and pain involved.
Good Luck and don't worry!