urgent help needed
I have been having some bad experiences at work and I am beginning to wonder if I need to start looking for a new job. I have told almost everone that I should be getting a date for my surery as soon as I am fininshed with my tests. I have just an upper gi and ultrasound left and then my appt with the doc. My coworkers have been cruel and malicious and so has some of the management. I live in Pinson. Any advice would be helpfull. I am an Administrative Assistant.
Well here is my 2 cents worth. If they are making your work enviroment absoultely miserable Id go ahead and start looking for another job. No one needs that stress. Also Id ask perspective employers not to contact my current job and explain what has happened and tell them that you feel things might get worse if your current employer/co workers knew you were searching for a new job. I also wouldn't tell anyone at work about my surgery date unless it were the ppl that absolutely have to know. Like the person that does the schedules and the HR person if you are taking medical leave.
I would check with an attorney regarding the way the management is treating you, and report this company to the better business authority. That is not a good enviroment to work in no matter what you look like, or need, and I would start taking names and what was said. Report it all, even if you have to carry a mini recorder, inform the person you are recording just what they said for your attorney. That should shut them up real fast. But I still look for a new job, but be presistent in reporting them to the better business authority and to an attorney. You may be able to get the management fired because of the cruelity. Good luck, Kathy
Melissa, I'm sorry to hear that your co-workers are being so cruel. This is termed as harrassment in the workplace. It is also against the law. If you feel threatened by their words or actions, I would contact a lawyer as you have a possible lawsuit against your company. Don't take the abuse!! Fight back and know we'll always be here for you! Best of luck!
Hiya Melissa,
I don't think you need to look for a new job, unless you want too. When I first had my surgery alot of people didn't talk to me. Some people even said rude remarks -- But the thing is when someone has such a serious surgery, sometimes people just don't know how to respond or react to the new person that your becoming. You've done a brave thing by improving your life.
Plus, jsut because you change jobs - doesn't mean the next group isn't gonna be the same. Keep your head up. Stay strong. and Think positive. It gets better, I promise.