I spoke with my nutritionist today and asked her if it was ok for me to get 60 grams of protein in with that one drink. She told me it doesn't matter who, what, where or when, it only matters that it gets in. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you guys want to try it go for it, Ginger says it's ok. I'm just glad that I can get the 60 grams in every day.
That doesn't make sense hon - The doctors have said your stomach doesn't absorb (sp?) the vitamins and protein because its so small. So, I dunno, makes me wonder how its going to absorb that much protein in one drink. Especially when fluids don't stay long in our stomachs.
Just wondering...
Hiya Anne. I have to agree with Katie. My nutritionist/dietician has us take the calcium in 2 seperate doses because you cant absorb all of it at once. The same principal has to apply to the protein. The liquids supposedly go right through. I dont see how all 60 grams would get absorbed at once either. Just my two cents. God bless ya babe!
hi anne, I hope your talking about ginger armistead who I have not been able to get on the phone this week at all. Did you ask her about absorption? I like the others would think that getting in all at once would not be as good unless its a drink you are nursing over several hours. I just finished my three day menu for ginger and believe me when I say it was more difficult than I had imagined to plan a three day menu and get in 100 g of protein, even using protein shakes and poweder it ws still tough. when I look at my menu it looks like I am eating every hour on the hour. and I am not a grazer or a snacker so getting in the 6 meals a day is going to be very tough for me.
Ginger is my nutrionist, too, and has been out of the office some this week (she returned a phone call to me only yesterday and I think I called Monday or Tuesday).
Both she and Dr. McGrath told me (and this is info I have known from numerous past weight lost attempts) that protein is the most important thing, but the hardest to digest.
When I did 50 grams in one sitting and got really nausea - and I did this three times to make sure it was the protein - they told me to spread it out. They said my body was not handling all that protein at once. They told me it's better for absorption to spread it out.
Now, maybe some folks will absorb protein faster and better than others, but I don't know - all I know is what Ginger and Dr. M-W told me.