i freakin hate this!!!!!!!!!!!
oh i was told today by my surgeons office that i will most likely be denied again because i must have the 6 moths of diet history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate this !!!!!!!!!!!!! I know it seems like nothing to some who can not even get the surgery but have something so close and then have to continue the bull crap really ****** me off!!!!
Yes yes i know do the 6 months and quit whining you may say...
well it not final yet the appeal has not been denied yet,, she just said it will probally be... so i guess i am asking for prayers that by the grace od God that someones heart is touched to day ok..
Until then i am now 6 months away i guess i will go ahead and have my gallbldder out. It was susposed to be done at the same time but i dont know if i can wait 6 months
ahhh anyway
Hiya Michelle sweetie! I can only imagine how frustrating this must be for you. The gall bladder problems make it even harder i'm sure. This is just a stumbling stone on your path to loserville. Keep jumping the hurdles hon and you'll make it. Dont give up!!! Six months seems like an eternity at the beginning but before you realize it its half over, then you blink twice and wow its passed. We dont always see just how fast time flies. Please know that you will remain in my thoughts and prayers. Keep your faith strong and trust in Jesus, honey! He works miracles every day in all our lives. Sometimes we dont see them. God bless!!!
Michelle it sucks big time !!! Been there done that... I backed my six months up by counting the time I went to the doctor for sickness and he weighed me they always do, then I went back the next month and we talked about WLS and of course they weighed me again, then I went the next month and told him what I needed him to put in his note and he did from then out and it work so I cut it by two months and filled at the end of the fifth so they got it in the six and it worked except I forgot my phys eval. but it worked! This may not make any sense I'm getting nervous and have started the wonderful bowel prep form tomorrow !! But you just keep at it and it will happen!! But it just sucks waiting I know.
Best always Linda