2oz dixie cups
Save yourself some time and a little expense....Go to your pharmacy and ask them for a few of the reusable plastic medicine cups. Those are measured in several different ways (teaspoon, tablespoon, ounce) and
you can use those. Most pharmacies will be happy to give you a few of them at no charge. I have several of them that have come with liquid medications such as Robitussin Cough Syrup or Nyquil or Children's Tylenol and Motrin.
To be honest with you - I wouldn't worry about buying them! When your in the hospital, they give you some 1-2 oz plastic cups! My mom just took about 6 to 10 of them to get me through the first 3 days... The nurse didn't mind at all!
After that just use small juice glasses or small paper cups. My mom stops at Big Lots once in the blue moon - During that time I was picking up small 'different' cute juice glasses! It works! Plus, I'm werid - I like change and cute stuff! LOL!
Good luck,