No WLS for me

on 7/14/04 8:46 pm - Clinton, TN
I took the advice of one of our fellow OH members and called my Cigna PPO insurance to be exactly 100% sure they cover the surgery, well lo and behold their is an exclusion in the policy set forth by my husbands employer. I was so devasted - I've spent so long researching this and finally convinced myself this was what I wanted - no needed - to do for myself and my family and now its not possible. I dont feel Ive wasted my time here because I have had the chance to 'meet' some wonderful people. I guess its back to the old fashioned way of trying to 'diet' once again. Wish me luck and I wish all of you the best of luck as you continue on your WLS journey. I will still be pokin' in and out to follow along with the progress of the wonderful people I have had a chance to get to know thru the boards and your profiles.
on 7/14/04 11:12 pm - COVINGTON, TN
I'm very sorry for you Dee. Keep us posted on how you are doing. God will help you through your journey no matter where it takes you. Love Anne
on 7/14/04 11:27 pm - Crossville, TN
Awww Dee.... *Hugs* I'm so sorry to hear about this news!! Is there anyway you can fight it? Or Change insurance companies? Anyways, I hope you still stay around on the boards and keep us updated. You may not of had the surgery but there's a ton of support here for you! -Katie
on 7/16/04 12:58 pm - Clinton, TN
Yeah the surgery is definitley not an option anymore, But like I said before, I do plan to stick around here and check in on everyone and will still be needing support. Thanks to you and everyone again!!!!
on 7/15/04 1:25 am - South Central, TN
You should really call the employer & speak to the Human Resources Dept. They may make an exclusion if it considered medically necessary. I mean it wouldn't hurt to ask! Do that & let us know. Candi
on 7/16/04 12:57 pm - Clinton, TN
Yes I talked to the main person at the HR dept. They said under no cir****tances. I asked about appealing and she said I could but it wouldnt do any good. So for now, Im back to the old fashioned way....
on 7/17/04 2:21 am - South Central, TN
Dee that sucks. I don't know if it's feasible financially but have you considered the lap band? You can have that done in Mexico, where the doctors are wonderfully trained, & airfare & everything included in the surgery is about $7,000. I know that I couldn't get that kind of money (don't have the best credit ) but if you could I would seriously consider this option. If not I am so sorry that your journey has to end here. One more thing to consider, what about taking out an extra insurance policy just for you? Like going through State Farm or something? It might be a little more expensive for about a year while you keep the insurance, but you could get one that covers these procedures. Ok, just some options. Sorry love. Candi
on 7/15/04 9:47 am - LaVergne, TN
Oh no, Dee...........I am so sorry, there any chance you could switch insurances?..................I mean heck, I work for CIGNA and wouldn't recommend it to anyone as they are hard to deal with.............if not, I pray you find peace without the WLS.
on 7/16/04 12:54 pm - Clinton, TN
Unfortunately, switching insurance is not an option. Thanks for your prayers though. Dee
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