Still waiting

wannabe an 8.
on 7/9/04 7:17 am - knoxville, TN
Welll hummmm still waitng,,,,arrrgghh..Of course the office has not even sent off my paper work still(as of yesterday 3 weeks) Wouldnt you know it just when i go the freakin precert nurse quits:angust: and i have to deal with the new girl taking her job...Which assured me she would send in my paperwork Last FRIDAY!!!!!! Well when i phoned her yesterday she says oh ms ray i will be sending that out this afternoon or tomorrow........ Well i said hello you told me that last week.......... Well what can you say... I mean come on.. Yes i can be pissed off but i can not do anything about it waste my energy on this.... I think Monday i will drive up there and physically fax it for her!!!!!!!!!! So anyway i am still waiting.. I know everything happens for a reason and when it is my time.. GOD will open those doors and her fax machine.... Hope all of you are well Michelle
Tara S.
on 7/9/04 10:04 am - Northwest, CO
Michelle, Sorry for the problems you are having. I would call every single day and leave a message every single time if I have too. I would never be mean but just say the same thing every time like a robot. They will get tired of hearing from you and do it to get you off their back. I did that with the nutritionist and my PCP Dr.'s office until they got my work or scheduled my appointment. I did this for a week and I talked to the nutritionist yesterday finally and she said I got allllllll of your messages blah blah blah. Point is I got it LOL. Same with the PCP who called to say they mailed me my referrel letter finally. Just bug and pester them. Tara
wannabe an 8.
on 7/9/04 11:33 am - knoxville, TN
Hey Tara, It is so agravating.....They have to know. i am sure they have had to wait on things themselves..OH well Hope things go good for you...
Cherry C.
on 7/9/04 2:13 pm - Morristown, TN
Michelle, I swear if you want me to I will call the witch myself!! Or I will go up there with you Monday and I will wear the Mask! No wait I have got a GREAT idea I will go up there with you on Monday and we will take Cooper! We will tell her we are staying right there with him until we see her fax the papers!(For all of you who don't know Cooper he is my 2 year old grandson! Can we all say terrible twos?? Can we all say TAZ!!!!) Nickie the witch will be and and . When we leave she will and to Ms. Ray when Cooper gets done with her! I will call up there and tell her I am the insurance police!! Hope you feel better girlfriend! Please let me call the office manger! I just know Nickie is related to Connie!! love ya, Cherry
on 7/9/04 4:09 pm - west chester, OH
Michelle, I am soooo sorry they are giving you this run a round..I agree with the others and tell ya the same.. pester them til they go nuts and then maybe you will get somewhere! Just keep your chin up, I know it can be frustrating to wait wait and wait some thing we are all learning through this experiece is how to wait wait wait When my oldest daughter was only 15 mths old she was attacked by a friend's pitbull and it took 3 of us adults to get his jaw off of her..we were in the military at the time and took her to the army hospital and we sat in the ER waiting room for 5 hours while she bled, I was livid.. went nuts on them every few minutes thinking my daughter was going to bleed to death while we waited on them to see I guess what I am trying to say is that we sometimes can't control what others do or don't do but we can sure raise one heck of a fit in the meantime.. DO NOT TAKE THIER JUNK! PUSH til you get her to do what she says she will do! After all this is what she gets paid for right!? Are these the same people working for Hodges AND Watson? HUGS, Dawn
Linda R.
on 7/10/04 6:22 am - maryville, tn
Michelle your a stronger woman than I .... but I agree with everybody else I would call everyday and be nice my grand always said you catch more bees with honey... I'm so sorry you are getting jerked around like this. Keep your chin up !!! Best of all things Linda
on 7/10/04 1:35 pm - JOELTON, TN
Hi sweetie I'm sorry they're giving you the run around. I agree with everyone else. CALL EVERYDAY!!! When you call be just as sweet as sweet can be. Sugar Sweet. Say something like "oh I hate to bother you again, I know how busy you all must be. I know you must really have a hard job since the other lady has left," tell her you know how hard it is to pick up where someone else left off. BLAH BLAH SWEET SWEET SWEET Turn it around on her., like your concerned about her day. Laugh with her, talk likes she's your very best friend. It works everytime. My goodness that almost sounds evil doesn't it. If that don't work this week, then next week she just might have to deal with some of us other BIG BEAUTIFUL WOMEN!!!! I know she don't want none of us. Have a Great rest of the weekend. Barb
on 7/12/04 4:32 am - griffin, ga
I am seeing Dr. Hodges.... and I called last week and they told me my insurance company would have my papers no later than last Mon.... I called today and they still have not even sent them, going on 3 weeks now.... it is so frustrating, do they realize how much we need this?
on 7/15/04 1:57 pm - west chester, OH
Hi Michelle, Just wondered if you have heard anything more yet? I have been thinking about you and wishing you the best.. Let us know ok.. Hugs, Dawn
wannabe an 8.
on 7/15/04 2:04 pm - knoxville, TN
Hi Dawn I just posted an update... Whenis your next appt?
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