wanting to have surgey
hi everybody im new to here my name is kristie and im 25 years old i have been large all my life and been made fun of and call so many names that i cant think of them all but that is ok but now that i have 2 wonderful son that is 6 years old and 2 years old i want to lose the wait so that they dont have to go through what i went through cause my mom was big also and my oldest on is in school and i want to go on filed trips with him without his friend making fun of his mom and i want to b able to walk and play them with with out being out of breath and have to sit and jus****ch i am having a hard time geting my doctor to work with me but i called my insuracne and they seem like they was going to help me but she has got to fax my medical reacord but i have been working on her to help me get this surgery for over 2 years anybody got anything that may help me get the ball rolling more ??????
Welcome to the boards. I have started my ball rolling too. The first thing I did was check with my insurance company to make sure it was covered and to see what requirements that they had for coverage. Then I decided which doctor I would use and called an made my consultation appointment. From there, I am just trying to meet everyone's requirements and do things by the book. It will be about six months before I can have the actual surgery, but at least it will be paid for by my insurance.
Hello Kristie!
Congrats on making the decision to make your life better! You've made a huge step forward.....
However, for us to help you - we need to atleast know who your insurance is. If you have TennCare - I'll be happy to help you with any questions you have...
Also what might help is - Start getting all your appointments finished such as Sleep Apena, Shrink, dietiatian (spelling?).... I think there's a few more but also do you have high blood pressure? Diabetes? (Spellng?)
Crap - I'm gonna have to find the correct spelling of these and post them on my computer screen! LOL!
Anyways, let us know what part of the process your in!
Good luck and Glad to see a new face on here!
Hey Krisite!
Congratulations on taking the first step. Debbie's got some good advice. If you've confirmed with your insurance that Bariatric surgery is covered, you need to see in writing what type of surgery is covered and ask for a written copy of their requirements, or where the requirements are posted on their website. Then check off or start working on meeting those requirements. A great resource in Mid-state Tennessee is Centennial Medical Center. They have 2 hour seminars that you will learn alot by attending, irregardless where you have surgery.
This is a journey and patience and perserverance are required. My surgery date is August 3rd at Centennail Medical Center. I had originally started out at Vanderbilt because I work there. I met with Dr Richards who I really respect and liked, but Vandy just doesn't have their act together as far as support and information the way Centennial does. I switched over and Dr Houston and staff are WONDERFUL!
Good luck!