Sleep study???

Donna C.
on 7/5/04 2:13 am - Gatlinburg, TN
Is this a requirement on the road toward the surgery. Is this if you have sleep apnea? I have to sleep upright a lot due to sinues problems living here in the largest rain forest East of the Mississippi, but is small discomfort in order to live in my mountains. Donna
on 7/5/04 5:18 am - west chester, OH
Donna, for most doctors it is a requirement.. my dr however did not require this test or require me to stop smoking. I am doing the sleep study however because I am positive I have apnea and it may prove usefull as a comorbidity during insurance approval process.. and the smoking, I want to quit but is HARD so I am glad he does not require me to stop in order to have the surgery! Dawn Knoxville
on 7/5/04 8:19 pm - Crossville, TN
Morning Dawn, I understand your doctor doesn't 'require' you to stop smoking but honey, this is a MAJOR surgery. The doctor will already have a hard time doing surgery on a obese person but if you had a obese person with bad lungs due to smoking - It makes the risks of this surgery even HIGHER then they already are -- That isn't safe. At the end its your call - but seems to me if it helps the sugery go with no complications, it's worth trying to stop. Just my 2 cents. Good luck, Katie
on 7/6/04 3:47 am - west chester, OH
Good Morning Katie, I soooo very agree with you and this smoking issue is one my husband and myself have talked about.. I worry about breathing issues and with the anesthesia during surgery because of it..I am trying to quit.. you have no idea how hard.. but it is not easy! by what I wrote in the earlier post, I should have elaborated more It seems. I just meant, IF I fail at yet another attempt to stop I was glad he didn't require it.. Some docs make you be smoke free for 3 mths before they will even touch you and I was rather taken back that he didn't..I have even questioned why he doesn' he looking out for my best interests and safety along the way or should I worry more about complications.. I seriously want to be smoke free at time of surgery just dont know if I can do it I have smoked more than 20 years.. I have my sleep study tomorrow..first visit tho .. I figured I would discuss it with them since they could probably help me somehow with it. I am very greatful to you Katie for caring about this and voicing it.. it is always nice to know someone cares.. hugs to you. and say a prayer about this if you would because I KNOW how right you are and I want the safest surgery as possible.. NO complications. thank you Dawn
on 7/5/04 7:40 am - Chattanooga, TN
I am glad that my surgeon had the sleep study as a requirement. Otherwise I would have never realized I had sleep apnea. When I got the results it was rather scary seeing how many episodes of my breathing stopping occured also how much my oxygen level dropped while I was sleeping. I can't say that I love my CPAP machine but I do love the restful night sleep that I get now because of it. Of course also my nurologist seems to think after I lose more weight I might not need the CPAP at all . Also as stated before it was good for me to get another comorbidity on my list to submit to the ins. considering before the sleep test I only had Asthma. *huggles*
Donna C.
on 7/5/04 7:43 am - Gatlinburg, TN
thanks for replies. Of course I will do it if required. Being Type 2 Diabetic and over 100 lbs. overweight hopefully will qualify me. Donna
on 7/5/04 8:24 pm - Crossville, TN
Good Morning Donna, I, personally, already had this test done before I even considered having this surgery at all. The reasons behind me having to have the sleep apena test was because I wasn't getting enough oxgyen to my brain while I was sleeping and was causing alot of problems.... When I was finally put on the CPAP machine - it actually HELPED me to loss over 130 pounds along with going to weigh****chers. However, another reason to have it - even know your doctor doesn't require it.... If the doctor that puts you to sleep knows you have sleep apena, it just helps him more, helps him know how much of the drugs he needs to give you, and all that. Please keep in mind this surgery is MAJOR and anything BOTH doctors can know about your body is one stop closer to having a non-complicated surgary, so because of that - I hope you do have this test done! It'll just help you more at the end. -Katie
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