I HAVE A DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cherry C.
on 7/2/04 10:37 pm - Morristown, TN
That's right I have a WLS date! Dr. Hruska's office called yesterday and gave me a date! July 21st!! This does not come as a total surprise. When I went for my pre-op app. Dr. Hruska told me then to go to my second sleep study and get the cpap machine and fax the paper work to them and they would give me a date.I did not post it on the board because I was afarid something might fall threw! I did want to jinks myself! I had the second sleep study Wen. Linda from her office called yesterday and said "we need to set you a date!" I am ready! She told me when people live 4 to 5 hours away like I do this is what they want you to do. I go to Clarksville on the 19th and have blood work done stay in a motel that night then do the BP the 20th at the motel! Now want that be fun?? Then on the 21st I go to the hosiptal and I have the WLS! I am asking all of you to PLEASE pray for me! I have two grandbabies that need me to be healthy! Robin, I am going to ask you just like Michelle did "Please send me your angels!" I am so happy but I am scared! I know the Lord will take me threw this because he knows I need to be here for Adreanna and Cooper! I am really excited! Thanks to everyone on here for all the information you have given me! Thanks to my GREAT buddy Michelle for listening to me whine! Robin please send me your angels than Michelle can use them! Everyone on here PLEASE send me all the advice you have! Sorry so long! love to all, Cherry
Eva O.
on 7/3/04 12:31 am - Thompson Station, TN
Hellooooooooo Cherry Cody,OMG I am so happy for you,i can't beleive you have got a date already WOW that is just awsome and you bet i will be praying for you all the way and i hope you have a smooth surgery and recovery is quick oh it is just so great,it don't seam like it has been that long since i found this board and starting posting here to you and the other people here everyone is just so supportive of each other it is just so good to know that we have each other. And guess what Cherry i go to see DR PITTS on the 21st at 12:00 so if i can i will come by the hospital an check on you if that is ok Love ya ttus Eva
Cherry C.
on 7/3/04 1:29 am - Morristown, TN
Eva, Thank-you for all the well wishes and prayers! I would love for you to come by the hospital! I hope we can all have a get together someday! You are a real sweetheart Eva! Cherry
on 7/3/04 12:43 am - COVINGTON, TN
Congratulations Cherry. I'm so happy for you. I know you'll do great and I'm sure that Michelle's angels will be there with you all the way. You have my prayers sweetie. Best of luck to you. Anne
Cherry C.
on 7/3/04 1:30 am - Morristown, TN
Anne, Thanks for all your prayers! I hope you get stronger and feel better each and everyday! Cherry
Linda R.
on 7/3/04 2:17 am - maryville, tn
I am so excited for you !!! That is so close !!! You will be a loser soon !!! Best wishes for a problem free and speedy recovery !! I'll keep you in my prayers Best of all things Linda
Cherry C.
on 7/3/04 2:38 am - Morristown, TN
Thank-you, Linda! I need all the prayers I can get! Cherry
on 7/3/04 5:19 am - west chester, OH
CONGRATULATIONS!! I would bet you're doing the happy about now, as I would be too lol! I wish you the VERY best and a VERY safe and speedy recovery! May the watch over you and protect you! Won't be long now! Dawn Knoxville
Cherry C.
on 7/3/04 5:40 am - Morristown, TN
Dawn Thanks so much! I am doing the Happy Dance! I have had both my grandbabies for 3 days straight and just about to loose my mind! Help is on the way thank goodness! One will go home the other to a cousins house for the 4th bunch of other kids there fireworks and cookout! I can't wait until the 21st I am ready to be on the losers bench! Cherry
Melissa H.
on 7/3/04 9:30 am - Knoxville, TN
That is great to hear.I am also having surgery that week my surgery is on Friday the 23rd. So I will see you on the losing bench. Good Luck and my prayers are with you.Melissa
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